Chapter 10.

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I wonder how my parents will react.. and especially Jack. Our parents know we've been hanging with Meredith for a while but they never knew me and her dated. Only that she and Jack were together for a brief time.

I held the door open for Meredith and led her to the stone staircase. 

My brother was standing in the doorway when we arrived and gave me a funny look.

"Finn! Meredith.. I didn't know you were coming too." She was about to answer when I cut her off.

"Yeah well, she's my girlfriend so I'm allowed to bring her right?"

He gulped and watched between me and her. 

"Sure..I'll see you guys later okay." He lent in and gave Meredith a kiss on her cheek. She turned bright red, and squeezed my hand.

"It's fine, all yours remember?" I smiled and kissed the back of her hand.

My mum was talking with aunts and uncles when I tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around, "Finn, dear! You're here!" she gave me a hug.

"And who might this young lady be?" She asked gesturing at Meredith.

"This is Meredith Anderson, my girlfriend."

My mother looked at her from head to toe, it'd be an understatement she was judging her a little. But luckily Meredith looked gorgeous and well raised. The perfect elite, or upper London class if you'd use the right words.

Not trying to brag or something, but her family is pretty..well known in the business world. 

"Meredith! It's so nice to finally meet you, we've heard tons about you!"

Meredith smiled her magical friendly smile, "The pleasure is mine Mrs. Harries, and I hope nothing too bad."

"Oh no, of course not. Look at you two, perfect! But Meredith tell me something more about you." She pulled her away from me. Leaving me alone. 

Well she'd be fine, and there are tons of other family members to go to.


Finn's mum seemed a really nice woman. She pulled me away from him to "get to know me better". But I'm a woman too and I know what that means. I bet Finn thought everything was fine between me and her, but reality was different.

"So, listen to me..Meredith." She spat out my name. 

I wasn't in the mood for one of those mommy-dont-hurt-my-sons-talk. So I interrupted her wisely.

"Mrs. Harries, with all the respect but I have nothing but good meanings with both of your sons. Finn and I are very happy together, and for Jackson, he and I just happen to share a part in a movie."

I smiled widely, and used my utter posh accent. So she didn't have a choice but be nice too.

her mouth opened but almost nothing came out, "I uh..well great! You seem like a nice girl though. But nobody calls my son Jackson anymore to be honest."

"Well, then I guess I'll be adjusting myself." I turned around to walk away and see where Finn was but she held me by my wrist.

"Darling, please. I don't know a thing about you know."

I smiled fakely, "I'm sure we'll have to catch up more ma'am." and snuck my wrist from her grip. Nobody gives me orders, and certainly not someone like her.

I searched the room for Finn, but he was nowhere to see. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around quickly.

He gasped as his pupils grew, "Meredith.. I didn't know you were coming."

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