Chapter 3

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He looked so afraid and disappointed.

Finn's face was forever ingraved in my memory, pain and loss were written all over his face.

But then Jack's lips met mine, and I felt nothing. At all. I imagined our kiss to be more powerful, maybe it was just me. Or I'm still sleepy.

I just sat there, it wasn't really a brief kiss. We moved in sync together, his tongue swiping lightly over my lip.

I forced myself to feel something, and I did. But then he let go and looked me in the eyes.

"No matter who you choose, I'll always be here for you Meredith." His hand was cupping my cheek, I laid mine above it and smiled at him.

He was the most reckless and adventerous boyfriend I had ever had.

We said our goodbyes and asked him to send my love to Finn.


Josh woke me up by 10 in the morning, telling me I had a meeting this afternoon.
Little did I know about that.

"Wow Josh, you really couldn't tell me a little earlier now did ya?"

"It's only at 2pm relax, take a shower, go for a run I don't know. But you've got time."

And with that I did go for a run, plus I took a shower and got dressed properly.

"Hey sis you want to grab a bite in town?"

I bit my lip in self debate.

"Where is this meeting again?"

"Well maybe I left some details out..but it is the cast presentation for the movie.," he waited for my reaction.

"As in press event?!"

"Sort of,"

"Well you could have told me that!"

He came rushing over me, I was panicking really hard.

"Hey Mer, it is going to be fine! You look gorgeous, and with those beautiful curls in your hair.. Now come eat something with me."

I started to breathe normally again, so I took my coat and handbag and jumped in the car.

"Where do you want to go?" My brother asked me.

"Just do some Nando's I missed it, and not that far from the..event."

"Nando's it is!"

The whole car ride we joked about my diva-ish character I would become after this major project.

But wow what a coincedence who was there too.

Jack Harries himself everybody! Not only did I still not know what to think about yesterday, but it seemed that he was having lunch with Evangeline.

Not cool.
So I decided to avoid him and pretend I didn't know he was there.

We sat down and began to look through the menu.
"Is that a new coat?" Josh asked me.

"Yes it is, Burberry. Got it as a present from mum." I looked at it, it was a beige long trench coat.

"It's cool, hey guess what I got one too!" He pointed at his coat, I didn't notice it earlier.

"Wow! It's cool, I'm guessing Calvin Klein?"

"You got that right little sis!"

One of the cool things about my mums job was she had a personal stylist. Which means that she'd come over a lot also giving me and Josh advice.

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