Chapter 11.

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I stopped recording the vine, and just posted it without a descripition and put my phone away.

"Wow, he puts his phone away immediately." She raised her eyebrows and gave me a thumbs up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her.

"Well you'd think you'd be on your phone all. the. time. which you probably are but just not now I guess." 

I laughed and nodded. 

"What are you up to today?" I asked her.

"Not much..I have to clear my dorm today.."

I gasped, "You made your choice?!"

She nodded. 

"So you're officially becoming a Royal Academy drop-out?" 

"You make it sound so wrong like that."

"But wouldn't you just think about finishing your second year?"

She shrugged, I understood her. Studying there is a full time job. And in her situation it's almost impossible.

"Come on, let's just get dressed properly and then go clean out your dorm." I suggested.

"Fine. Hey, we can look out for places to stay afterwards?! I'm going to need an appartment right?"

We both stood up and I opened the door for her, "Okay now take it slow Mer." I said draping my arm sloppily around her shoulder.


We went home and he put on some casual clothes just as just clothed myself in; leather pants, with a white adidas shirt and a dark grey hoodie and some black vans. 

"You look fab girl." He faked. "Are you always like this?" I asked him. "Pretty much, if you'd watch my Vines you'd know that!" 

"Sorry!! But I thought you were on your dance thing the whole year?" 

"I was, but I dropped out because of it." 

"People would kill to have a spot like that." 

"I know, but now I'm doing what I really love too," 

I drove us in my car to the campus, we came across girls who wanted pictures with him. 

"Hi! I'm Ally, can I get a kiss?" She asked him, "Sure." He said. 

"Ready?" He asked the other girl holding her phone ready. On the count of one he kissed her cheek for a few seconds. She was astonished. How? Never seen her here, about 19 I think. 

The other wanted a picture too, she was quite beautiful, brown wavy hair and just a few inches shorter than him. "Can I have a kiss on the lips?" She said, my mouth almost fell open. 

"Uh..I don't think tha-" I was about to say but Cam interrupted me.

"It's fine Mer," he said, "Okay so I'm going to put my thumbs on your lips okay?" 

The girl just nodded. "3..2..1." Ally said. 

I looked over her shoulder to the pictures, you could barely see that his thumbs were in the way. Wow, he must really like his fans. He just doesn't want to see them unhappy.

We entered my dorm, "What was that all about?" I asked curiously;

"They ask that all the  time." He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Do you always say yes?" 


"Oooh Cam can I have a kiss too?!" I acted like a super obsessive fangirl.

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