Chapter 2.

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The warm water from the shower made me feel clean again. I stood there for a while. 

I blow dried my hair and curled it, just to let is lay there over my shoulders and back.

A black Valentino dress with subtle lace and flats were laid out on my bed. Just some concealer to hide my dark spots, liquid foundation, powder and lipbalm consisted of my make up for this morning. 

It felt wrong to dress up like this, just go watch my best friend get burried. 

I took one last look in the mirror and took a deep breathe, trying to tell myself everything would be alright. 

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it, both Jack and Finn stood at my door. Suited and all, "You ready?" Finn asked me.

"You make it sound like it's a family outing.." 

"Right sorry, you look beautiful as always." He complimented me, what is this a game? Is it a competition between Jack and Finn? Cause if it was, I would already know who'd win.

I nodded, and looked over to Jack and smiled a little. As a reaction, one formed on his lips too. I just made Jack smile, feels like the best thing I've done in days.

On the ride to the church nobody said a word, I think it hadn't really sunk in. Only when we reached the place, it did.

There were so many people, right. Famous family.

I made my way to Alessandra and we hugged a lot. We both started crying hard, I don't know what time went by but suddenly we had to enter the church. Finn was nowhere to be found, but Jack had been waiting patiently with me all the time.

I let go of Alessandra and dug myself in Jack's securing arms. "It's going to be alright. I know now you may not believe it, but it will." He whispered laying his chin on my head. 

"I miss her," I was sobbing.

"I know you do, we all do Meredith. But we will be strong, always and forever remember?" He looked at me, "For Rose." he added.

From now on everything good I do will be for her. 

It was a beautiful yet, sad ceremony. Afterwards a lady came to me, their mother.

"You must be Meredith." she approached me.

"Yes, ma'am." I answered politely.

"Oh dear, don't be so shy! Every friend of my daughter is mine too." 

I smiled, "Thank you, it was a beautiful ceremony; And Rose was one of the most remarkable people I have ever met." I held both her hands in mine. I meant what I said.

"Thank you, Meredith. That means a lot to our family." We talked for a little more.

But just as everybody had left, I wanted to go to her grave. 

It wasn't hard to find, it was still packed with flowers. But no one was there at the time I got there.

 "Rose,"  I whispered.

"You were the best friend anyone could have. We both made mistakes, but it's so normal. I was a hell of a pain in the ass to you, so were you to be honest..sometimes. But you made me so much stronger, and you never got anything in return. Just a broken heart, you deserved better;

You deserved a husband who'd kiss you when he came back from work. Celebrating your daughter's fifth birthday and walking the dog in the park. 

Tears began rolling down my face without me noticing it. But I continued.

I'll miss you, everybody will. Jack will too, did you know he's playing my love interest in my movie? Crazy I know. I don't really know what to do,

I sat down on my knees before her grave.

I'm not dating Finn anymore, yeah we broke up. But it will not make it easier having make out scenes with Jack. What if I choose one and loose the other. that's so selfish, but true. 

What if I jump for one, but the other catches me? Please I need help, I-

It had begun raining, and I felt myself be pulled up by two strong arms. The rain stopped from dripping on my head because of an ubrella. I looked up and looked right into two pair of beautiful eyes. One being worried, the other soft and relaxing.

 "Are you alright?" Finn asked me.

"Yes," my eyes glided from one to the other, "now I am." I added.

I turned around saying a last goodbye to Rose and then turned back to the boys. Finn at my right side laying his arm around my shoulder. Jack on my left with his hand securing around my waist. No matter what would happen they 'd always be there at the end.


We let her sleep it off in her room upstairs. Jack and I were sitting in the living room, waiting until she'd come downstairs. 

"What now?" he asked me.

"We fight for her, let's be honest here," I paused, "I love her, so do you. And she'll have to make up her mind one day right?" 

"Yeah, about that." My body stiffened.

"I'm her love interest in that movie.." he watched my facial expressions change, and I knew he felt guilty.

"Oh..well guess I'll have to fight harder then." I gulped and stared at the ground.

"Maybe it's best we leave, it's been a long day." I suggested.

"Yes, I'll just go say goodbye to her." he said and disappeared upstairs. I peaked in the room and saw him stroking her forehead. 

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" He said softly, I watched her wake up.

"Yes..but it's fine really." She smiled a little.

"I'm so sorry for what I'm going to do now, but I have to." he apologized. Her eyes searched the room meeting mine at the door.

Both of us knew what was going to come now, I would run in to stop him. But I couldn't I was stuck there, I couldn't bring myself to stop my brother from being happy. I couldn't. 

Jack was now leaning in, her eyes let go of mine and turned to Jack.

They shut, and their lips met. I pressed my back to the wall, breathing heavily. I could hear them kiss, it made my stomach turn. And I rushed downstairs, to wait in the car. 

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