Chapter 5.

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My phone woke me up, it was a text from Cam. Asking if Josh and I could meet him at Picadilly Circus.

So we did.
"So! Here we are, Andersons reunited!" Cam said happy.

"I must say it does feel good." I agreed.
We ran into some girls who recognized Cam and I and asked to get a picture with them.

It was the first thing something like that had happened to me.
But I was glad to get pictures with these lovely people.

We ate at an Italian restaurant and explored some of the less touristic sights of London. Although I had lived here my while life, there were still unexplored corners that I hadn't seen yet.

"So! How's work going Josh?" Cameron asked my brother,vwe had stopped at some coffeeshop and were now having a friendly chat.

"Great! I'll have to choose a specialty at the end of the year and enter my exams so it'll be rough. I mean it's my last year as resident, and if I don't fail my boards I'll be an actual attending!"

"Great, and what would be your specialty?" I asked, the three of us were always good friends. But since me and Cam had studied arts and drama things the spot didn't really shine on my brother.

"I'm thinking neuro, but I like ortho too so I'll have to choose by the end of the year." He smiled, "ypu're going to do great brother!" I encouraged him.

"Hey, Mer. Remember the friend I wanted you to meet?"
Right..Finn. I nodded.

"Well he's about to arrive." And he pointed across the street. I didn't see him but tried to fixate my eyes on one person.

"Wait for it." I heard Cam tell Josh, luckily I had told Josh all about the start ovef thing.

He was wearing a light blue button up shirt and a light padded vest. Carrying a bag with him made him look like a a student, a very attractive student.

I held my breathe when he entered the coffeeshop.

His eyes were searching us and I quickly looked down the moment I saw he looked our way.

Us three stood up to greet him, first Cam then Josh and finally me.

Don't screw this up Meredith I kept saying to myself.

"Hello." He reached out his hand for me.

"Hi," I said politely, taking it.

He smiled beautifully at me I could melt. "I'm Finn."

"Meredith," I said.

For a moment we were lost in each other but we let go.

All of us together had a lot of fun but the evening set in and it was time for us to leave.

I was searching for my coat when Finn came towards me and had it already with him. Like a real gentleman he helped me put it on, and I smiled in thanks.

"So, this is it then." I said when we left the coffee house. I felt my cheeks turn a shade of pink darker when the cold air hit my cheeks.

"Yes, it was nice to meet you." Finn said, I smiled widely. I didn't want to leave yet, this really felt like starting over again, but in a perfect way.

."The pleasure was mine," I giggled. "So do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?" I asked him, trying to make it last longer.

"Not really, I'm going out with friends.." he trailed of, "you should come with us." He suggested.

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