Chapter 31- make her mine

Start from the beginning

And of course Jungkook has to make things worse by teasing me, bringing his hand further up my shirt, getting dangerously close to my breast.

He sucked his way down my neck, thankfully not spending enough time there to leave a mark. Without warning or permission, he started lifting up my shirt, exposing my full stomach and the bottom part of my bra. After leaving a few pecks on my collarbone, he moved down to my stomach, leaving kisses down in a line. At the same time his other hand went down to caress and grip my upper thigh.

After leaving faint marks on my skin, he slowly separated himself from me. He came back up to my face, and gave me one last, soft kiss on the lips.

He pulled away, and finally opened his eyes. We stared at each other, breathing heavily but quietly.

He parted a few hairs away from my face and smiled faintly, then chuckled a little. He gently rested his forehead on mine as he whispered "You don't even know how long I've waited for that."

I don't even try to stop my smile from spreading, and I giggle a little too.

As amazing as I feel at the moment, I have to admit that not all of my desires are satisfied, and I'm slightly disappointed that he stopped. It felt... unfinished. But I didn't say a word, because it's obvious nothing's happening tonight.

He got off from on top of me, and grabbed my hand to pull me up into a sitting position. I'm sure I'm blushing furiously, because he can't wipe the grin off his face. He enjoys it too much.

"I'm checking on the wind outside." He said, before getting up and walking to the door. The second he opened it, he was almost knocked off his feet. I jumped up and went to go help him close the door. We pushed together and finally sealed the place shut again. We turned to look at each other at the same time.

"Looks like we're not going anywhere anytime soon." I say.

He smirks. "Good."

I possibly blush even more. He giggles and mutters "You're so cute." before going back to our blanket and sitting down. I follow.

"It's probably really late by now, shouldn't we try to get some sleep?" I suggest.

He cocks his head to the side. "Are you tired?"

"Kind of. Besides, what else can we even do in here?" Besides what we were just doing...

"Well I always have other things in mind." He replies with a wink. Tempting, but no.

"I'm really tired." I say quickly, and he laughs.

"Ok, then we'll sleep pillowlessly." He sighs, laying down with one arm behind his head.

"You'll sleep pillowlessly." I correct him. He looks at me with a confused expression. "Come on, do you expect me to suffer on Christmas?" I ask, laying down too, and mustering enough confidence to lay my head on his chest, cuddling close to him. He hesitated for a moment before putting his other arm around me, getting comfortable.

"Don't worry, I'm not suffering much." He says softly, and then I literally can't stop smiling.


JEON JUNGKOOK'S POV, hours later, 8 am

I need to date her.

In my time of knowing Ji-won, we've always flirted with each other and messed around and had our little moments, but we obviously could never really be romantic. Not without an excuse anyways.

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