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"Here, we have the alien spider monkey sleeping in its natural habitat." Jimin says recording a sleeping jungkook.

"We dont want to wake up the dangerous creature, it will know of our plans to dissect it" He continues to speak as jungkook stirs in his sleep.

He rubs his mouth slightly as the purple lipstick smudges on his face. Jimin snorts trying to hold in his laugh and he wipes away the tear escaping his eye.

"This is comedy gold i swear to you all, he looks like a real spider monkey from ben10" he was to busy speaking to the camera not noticing that jungkook was awake.

The younger sneaks up on his older friend before chuckling dryly. "I'll show you a real spider monkey if you dont turn that camera off and let me sleep in peace you idiot hyung"


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