Chapter 26: Johan's Offer

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After getting warmed up by the fireplace in the hall, Johan sat at one of the empty tables and fell into his thoughts. Tamie and her 'sisters' continued talking. Suddenly Blizzard ran from under the table and rushed towards Johan.

"Ah, Blizzard, get back!" Tiger got worked up - why the heck was he running to this weird stranger?

The dog didn't listen and jumped at the stupefied boy's foot. Tiger sneered, sprang up, and ran after Blizzard.

"That Aries dog sure brings her many problems..." Rianna murmured.

"Every Aries brings problems..." Olivia coldly shrugged, referring to her 'annoying' (as she loved to call her) elder sister, Nora, too by this remark.

"Huh? Aries dog?" Tamie couldn't understand.

"Blizzard is an Aries," Jannah Khan, the Ninja rank girl of the Sneaker Class, explained. "Didn't you know that animals too belong to their zodiac signs?"

"Oh... No, I didn't figure..."

Blizzard was happily barking at Johan. He grinned in response and rubbed his head:

"Hey there, young fellow!" 

Blizzard furiously wagged the tail. Christo and Astra were watching him from the girls' table and yawning. They apparently considered Blizzard a little stupid, as every cat thinks about dogs. Tiger managed to come up to them, grabbed Blizzard, got him off the boy by force, and slightly bowed to this latter as a sign of apology:

"I'm so sorry! He's still young and overly energetic!"

"Hehe, it is fine, really!"

The girl blushed, for she loved when they didn't mind her animals. 

"So, you're Johan, huh? Why are you sitting here alone? You're going to soon be our member, right? Come on, I'll present you to my friends!" she didn't even wait for his reply, just grabbed his hand, pulled him off his chair and dragged him towards her table. The girls saw Tiger bringing the blushing boy and giggled. When the two finally arrived, Tiger presented all of the girls to him, and the boy shook each of their hands. Finally, Tiger introduced Tamie too: "This is Tamie Wingfield, our newest 'sister'. She is still new, but she has already raised five ranks in a single fight, and she can summon her muse! She is a Libra and a Writer Class. Oh, oh, and she is Moon Lord Nick Wingfield's sister".

"Oh, truly fascinating," Johan smiled and shook Tamie's hand, "It is a pleasure to meet a fellow Libra".

"Ah, you're a Libra too?! So... where's your medallion?"

"Medallion's no big deal, it broke long ago".

"Oh... That's unfortunate. I'm sorry".

"No, it's fine. So, you're Rank Five of Writer Class? I guess an Expert then, right?"

"Yes," Tamie blushed. "And what are your Class and rank?"

"Keeper Class, Sage," the boy shyly scratched his head.

"Wow, really? Just like my brother!"

"Hehe, I guess... What about your spirit?"

"Ugh, it's Tiger, but I haven't unlocked it yet..."

"Haven't unlocked yet? But you're already Rank Five! At this rate_" he hushed, falling into his thoughts. Then he brightened and looked back at her: "You know what? I'll train you!"

"Huh? For real?! Are you a Tiger too?"

"No, I'm a Monkey, but Tigers and Monkeys are slightly alike when unlocked. Both of them are unlocked using one's energy and fury," Johan winked, "So I guess it could work out. What's more, we both are Libra, so both the element and the Zen match up".

"That's awesome! Thank you so much!"

"Well then, this evening our first lesson starts. We'll train outside in the yard of the mansion, alright?"

"Yes, Teacher!"

Tamie rejoiced - finally, her real training was going to start...

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