Chapter 33: Time To Go

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Yoojung's POV

Things were still awkward between me and Jungkook oppa. We never spoken to each other after what happened the other day. I think he was avoiding me.

I never anticipated that Jungkook oppa would see me more than a friend or a sister. It frustrates me to see him suffering and knowing that I am the cause of that. It makes me wonder if I did anything to lead him on. I wanted to comfort him but I know that it would only cause him more pain.

"Yah.. Are you okay? You're spacing out." Yoongi oppa asked.

I'm doing a collab with the rap line and today we our in the middle of our first official meeting to talk about the concept of the song.

"Do you want us to take a break first? Or schedule this another day? You seem so out of it" Namjoon oppa asked.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Hoseok oppa also asked.

They all sounded worried.

"Did anything happen between you and Jungkook? Are you in a middle of a fight again? Everyone in the dorm can feel the tension between you two. You're not talking to each other. I even think you are avoiding each other. Namjoon Oppa asked.

These Oppas does not like beating around the bush. I know that the thing going on between me and Jungkook oppa has become obvious to them.
I really wanted to confide someone about this issue. I thought of telling Doyeon but she's very busy nowadays. Maybe these three can help me.

"We are not fighting.... But yes... Maybe I am avoiding him and he is avoiding me." I said hesitantly.

It feels weird sharing to someone that you rejected somebody and that somebody is also their friend.

They all gave me a confused look.

"I think you wouldn't believe it if I tell you the reason... But.... Jungkook oppa..... Confessed to me." I almost whispered the last three words.

"I knew it." Yoongi Oppa said.

"Ahh I always knew he would be the first one to do it" Hoseok Oppa said.

"So I'm guessing that you rejected him?" Namjoon Oppa asked.

I gave them a sad look then nodded.

"That's why he's been locking himself at his room." Hoseok oppa commented.

Hearing him say that made me feel more guilty.

"I hope I can do something for him but I know that might just aggravate the whole situation. I don't even know what to tell him." I said.

"Jungkook is a grown man, he'll be able to handle it." Namjoon oppa said.

"Don't worry we'll look after him. He'll eventually come around" Hoseok oppa said.

"It's good that you didn't give him false hope. That's the best you could have done. Giving him a chance would be unfair to both of you. You cannot force yourself to like someone just because you pitty them." Yoongi oppa said.

"Thank you so much guys, I'll keep in mind what you said." I said and tried to give them a smile. Then we decided to proceed with our meeting.

Even after talking with them I still feel uneasy. After the meeting I decided to go to the rooftop to clear my mind.

The rooftop of Big Hit Entertainment has a basket ball court that employees could use to relax. I spotted the bleachers and sat there to think.

The reason why I rejected him is because I recently have sorted out my feelings for Jimin Oppa. I have finally admitted to myself that I like him more than just a friend. I like him as a man. I don't want to be unfair to Jungkook oppa. He deserves honesty.
What should I do now?

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard someone said.

I followed the voice and saw the man who owns my heart. Strangely, my heart was calm today... Rather than the usual heart flutter that I get, there was just a strange feeling of warmth that overtook my body. It was strange but not in a bad way. The kind of feeling that you get after a hard days work and finally reaching home.

I smiled towards his direction. He returned the gesture. He walked towards me then sat next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw you going up here so I followed you... You're so clumsy I was worried that you might fall off" He said teasingly

I just laughed as a response.

"So what got you so deep in thoughts?" He asked again.

Like with the other Oppas, I was hesistant to tell him.

"Jungkook oppa, confessed to me." I said despite my hesitation.

He didn't speak so I checked his face to see his reaction. He was staring at his feet... I can't really explain how he looks like, maybe.. A bit sad with disappointment? Or was my brain just trying to show me what I wanted to see?

"Did you.. Did you say yes?" He asked.

"No. I rejected him. And I feel so bad because I can see that he is hurting. " I said looking up the sky.

"Why did you reject him?" He asked.

I was still staring at the sky so I didn't notice that he came closer to me.

"The day before he confessed, I realized that I was in love with someone." I said. I decided to look at his reaction only to realize that he was already so close to me. He was staring at me... We're face to face only inches apart.

"Who is that guy?" He asked. We were still locked in each other's gaze.

"It's a secret. " I replied and turned my head back to the sky breaking our eye contact.

"Will you tell me someday?" He asked. He looks disappointed.

"Maybe. Maybe not." I said teasingly.

"Fine. Then I also wouldn't share who I like unless you tell me who you like" He said.

Is it okay to hope that maybe he likes me too? I should stop myself from having these thoughts... It might end up getting hurt at the end.
The words of my father echoed in my head

"Promise me that if you fall in love with anyone of the boys in here, You'll leave this dorm and just stay in your own apartment. I just can't have you living in with your lover, please not until you're married. This old man might have a heart attack"

I have finally decided on what to do. Jungkook oppa needs time to heal. And I also didn't want to break my promise to dad.. So this is for the best. I'm moving out of the dorm.

/Hi guys! This story has officially become a YooMin story so I changed the cover. I hope you like this chapter. Please comment and vote for my story, it keeps me going. Also this story is nearing the end./~CCH2301


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