Chapter 34: Not A Goodbye

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Yoojung's POV

It's funny how I only spent a year and a half in this dorm yet it's so hard to leave. I don't want to get emotional because I'll literally be transferring at an apartment 500 Meters away from here and would probably still see them at work everyday.

I had a talk with my dad and informed him about my plan to transfer to another apartment. He didn't even asked me why I suddenly want to move out... I think he already knew.

I offered to pay for my own rent but he just won't have it. He even made a speech about how he has never known about my existence for 20 years and how he wants to look after me.

Now I have this tinee tiny problem.... I haven't told any of the BTS members about me moving out.

I think the Hyung line would easily understand my decision... I think even Tae oppa would too. But my problem is Jimin oppa and Jungkook oppa.

My plan is to tell Jimin oppa last. I think I should tell him the real reason why I have to leave. As for Jungkook oppa, it has been two weeks since the incident yet he was still avoiding me. I'm not going to leave unless we have a proper conversation.

Today, I only have a meeting with the Rap line for our song and that's not until 10 am. I'll use that opportunity to tell them.

For now I'm hungry.. So I headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I spotted Tae oppa already there. He was eating breakfast alone. Perfect, I can begin with him.

"Oh, your still here?" He asked when he saw me

"Yeah, my meeting is still at 10" I said.

I grabbed some cereal and milk and sat across him.

I was just sitting there staring at him thinking on how I would begin explaining things to him while he ate.

"Do you have anything to say? Stop staring at me... It's creeping me out" He said, not even giving me a glance he just continued eating.

"Tae oppa, I'm moving out." I said observing his reaction.

He stopped eating.

"Why? Is this because of what happened between you and Jungkook?" He asked.

Hearing him asked that I realized that Jungkook oppa might have opened up to Tae oppa. At least he told someone. I don't want him hurting alone.

"Did he tell you about it?" I asked

"He did...If you're doing this just because of that. Don't. That would only hurt Jungkook more. He never wanted to push you away. He is just hurting, but he does not hate you" He explained. His voice slightly louder than normal.

If I didn't know him, I would think that he is mad. I know he's not. He's just trying to defend Jungkook oppa.

"I know that. It's not like I would disappear in your lives. I just want to give him time to heal. I don't want him to feel like he has to lock himself in a room every time I'm here. This is your dorm in the first place, I am the outsider, I don't want him to adjust just because of me. " I said.

"You know that you're not an outsider. We are a family here, stop saying that." He said.

I smiled when he said that. They really became my family.

"That's not the only reason." I said I stared at my bowl of cereals. How do I tell him about the other reason?

He remained silent.

"After the rumor about me and Jimin oppa.. Dad made me promise him that I have to move out of the apartment if I.... If I end up falling for one of you" I said shyly.

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