Chapter 21: Truth Untold

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Yoojung's POV

I  immediately spotted the table they were referring to because it was at the center of the restaurant. But someone was already seated. At first I was not sure who it was, but as I got closer, I recognized that it was Bang PDnim.

Bang PDnim? What's up, why is he here? Is he here to meet another person? But he's sitting at the table I was told to go to? I'm really not getting this. I'll just greet him first and find out if he's really here to meet me.

Before I could even greet him, Bang PD stood up and greeted me.

"Yoojung, hi! Please have a seat" He said with a nervous smile.

"Ah good morning Bang PDnim" I said and bowed then sat.

"Bang PDnim, I'm really confused. Why am I here?" I asked.

So many ideas are in my head. Will Bang PD finally tell me that everything that was happening was all just a prank? Or are they going to trade me off another company because they have finally realized that my talent is insufficient? But my oppas told me not to worry. So why am I really here?

"I won't beat around the bush, as I know that this might be confusing to you." He said and placed a picture in the table. It was a picture of a man and a woman at the beach. The guy was back hugging the woman.

At first glance, I didn't recognize the people in the picture. But after carefully looking at it, I realized that the woman is familiar to me. The woman looks like my mother. Is it my mother?

I think my confusion is evident with my facial expression, because Bang PD began to explain what the picture is for.

"That is your mother and me when we were 25 years old" He said. He looks nervous and sad at the same time. I didn't speak and let him continue.

"We were together for a long time, since high school. But because I have to study overseas she ended our relationship. She told me that she cannot handle a long distance relationship. We never spoke after we parted ways. I found out that she died from our common friends."

Oh? So Bang PD is my mom's ex boyfriend. Wait a minute... Mom told me that she has only been with one man all her life... My father. It makes sense! My mom had me when she was 27... Could Bang PDnim be my father?!

I looked at Bang PD trying to read his expression. He was staring at the table and he looks sad, almost like he's about to cry.

"I went to her funeral and saw you. You look exactly like my mother." He grabbed another photo from his wallet. It was a black and white photo... It looks exactly like me, except for her hair that was short and curly.

"At that point I knew that there is a possibility that we were related. I hired an investigator and they found out that you're my daughter"

I was just staring at him. I don't know what I should say. I didn't even notice that I was crying until I saw wet marks at the table cloth. Bang PD was also crying.

So this what everyone was talking about at the dorm. This is what I was supposed to find out.

"You said you only find out about me during mom's funeral? Mom never told you about me?" I asked.

"No. If she did I would have come back to both of you in a heart beat. I never wanted to break up with her but she pushed me away." he explained.

I was looking at him trying to see if he was lying but I couldn't figure him out. I don't know him well.

I don't know what to feel about this. I have so many questions but I don't think now is the right time to ask them.

"Can I ask for some time for me to process all of this information?" I asked.

"Take all the time you want, but please let's meet again as soon as you're done thinking." he pleaded. His eyes were begging me.

I just nodded as a response. I stood up and left the restaurant. I didn't know where I should go. I need some time alone. I rode a taxi to the nearest train station.

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