Chapter 25: Train Ride

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Yoojung's POV

A part of me still can't believe everything that has been happening to me.. But as I said before I'll just accept what fate has for me.

The day after I came back to dorm, I had another talk with Bang PD... Yup I still call him Bang PD. I have explained to him that I'm still not comfortable to call him dad, so we agreed together that I just continue calling him Bang PD. We also decided to get to know each other more by bonding once a week if both our schedules permit. During that talk, we also discussed about my living arrangements. He offered to buy me my own house or condominium unit if I wanted to live on my own. He also offered his house if I wanted to stay there. I declined both options, I don't like being alone on my own and I already got attached to my oppas. I also cannot live with him just yet... Maybe after some time.. Or maybe never.. I just don't know yet.

I'm going back to Busan today to apologize and say thank you personally to Aunty Kahi, Jimin oppa's mom.

She took care of me when I went to Busan last time, and I disappeared and just left a letter. I know that she understands why I did that, but I still wanted to apologize to her personally.

My original plan was to go alone, but Jimin oppa offered to accompany me. He said that he already missed his family and wanted to see them too anyway. Jungkook oppa heard our conversation and also wanted to join us since he also lives in Busan and also wanted to visit his family. Tae oppa had nothing to do so he just tagged along with us.

So here we are on a train to Busan at 5 am. We intentionally left early to avoid the crowd.... And the decrease the possibility of sasaeng fan emcounter.

I was seated beside Tae oppa while the other two were seated behind us. Tae oppa insisted that he wants to seat beside me because he wants to talk about dog stuff. I don't who I get to sit with we're all going to the same destination anyway, I'll be able to bond with all of them later.

"Yoodaeng... Do you know why I really wanted to seat with you?" Tae oppa whispered to me.

"You said you want to talk about dog stuff with me. Why are we whispering? " I replied.

"Not just that...I came today to become a peacemaker. If I didn't come today things might become messy between those two. I'm just doing my job that's why I sat with you. " Tae oppa said giving me a sly smile. He was still whispering.

I already spent half a year with this guy, I also went to a concert tour with him but sometimes I still don't get him. What is he even saying? A peacemaker?

"Did Bang PD hire you to take care of me? Cause if he did you don't have to do it... I'm capable of taking care of myself" I asked

"Nope, me being here has nothing to do with Bang PD" he said... He still has that sly smile on his face.

"Aigo... You're so innocent... Teasing you is more fun than teasing those two" He mumbled, then he pinched my cheeks and made a cutesy face.

I frowned at him but he just continued pinching my face.

He is so weird, I don't even get half of what he said.

He only let go of my face when Jimin oppa offered us snacks and accidentally hit Tae oppa's face with it.

"Do you think we made the right decision of leaving Popo and Tannie with Hoseok Hyung?" Tae oppa asked.
Finally he's back to normal.

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