Chapter 19: Birthday Pt. 1

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Yoojung's POV

Training has become more intense since I started preparing for my debut. They are planning to include at least 5 tracts for my first mini album.
The title tract is already done. I have actively participated in writing the lyrics and rap for it. We are now at the process of choosing the side tracts to be included. Some of the choices were composed by Namjoon oppa, Hoseok oppa, and Yoongi oppa. We're also finalizing the choreography for the title tract.

My schedule has been so packed lately that I barely saw my oppa's at the dorm. They are also very busy because they have another album coming up. There are times that I even fall asleep at living room due to exhaustion.

While I was still at Big Hit office preparing to go home to the dorm, my cell phone rang, it was a video call from Doyeon. It's not unusual that she video calls me, we miss each other alot so we frequently contact each other. I answered the call thinking that it was just her usual call when she misses me.

The video started and I was shocked to see that all the members of Weki Meki were calling me. They were carrying a cake too. Then they started singing Happy Birthday.

Wait? Whose birthday are we celebrating?

"Happy Birthday, our YOOJUNG!!!" their song ended.

What? It's already my Birthday? I was really surprised. I was so busy that I even lost tract of time?

"WAAAAAAH! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY?!" I replied to them.

They all laughed.

"You forgot?" Doyeon asked. Then they showed me a phone screen displaying the time and date. It was 12 midnight and the date was November 12.

"Awww thank you so much guys! I miss you so much! I'm sorry that I've been super busy lately that I can't visit you" I said as I was starting to tear up.

"Aww!! Don't apologize unnie, we're also busy." Lua said.

"Stop crying. Are you still at training? That doesn't look like your room?" Doyeon asked.

"I'm just heading back to the dorm. I'm just waiting for the driver to arrive" I explained.

"YAH! Take care of yourself a little more. You're looking thin. Your dark circles are also showing." Suyeon unnie reminded me. Aww Leader Ji always taking care of me. I really missed them.

"Yes Mom!" I responded teasingly.

"Go rest now unnie, we're gonna eat your cake now hehe" Rina said.

"How I wish I could be with you guys. I'll see you soon and I'll try to call more often. Thank you for greeting me. I love you all!" I said.

The call ended just at the right time when the driver was already waiting for me outside the building.

I can't believe that I have forgotten my Birthday. I used to like celebrating it but this is the first birthday that I don't get to celebrate with my mom. I was glad that my schedule was packed today, it will distract me from my thoughts of being alone and missing my mom again.

The last time I broke down about being alone, I was with Jimin oppa. He comforted me and even hugged me. I am really grateful for what he has done for me. It's nice to have someone who I can share my real feelings and thoughts with. If I was not sad at that time I would have probably blushed... I mean he hugged me.... AISH YOOJUNGAH STOP THINKING OF THOSE STUFF. Jimin oppa was just being kind, nothing more. He's like that to everyone. You're nothing special.

My thoughts were interuppted when the driver announced that we're already at the apartment.

Upon my arrival at the apartment, I saw Yoongi oppa playing the piano at the living room.

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