They have been touring for six hours now with no rest. As a result, hunger and tiredness seeped their way into their bodies. They need a boost of energy. Hence, Bella determined that it was the best time to bring Archer to that heaven called Patty's cupcakes, enjoying her delicious snacks and refreshments.

"Hello Patty, it's nice seeing you again." Princess Bella welcomed smiling affectionately while embracing old Patty in a warm hug that caught Patty off guard each time. It also took Archer off guard this time. He has come to take notice of many great hidden qualities about the badass princess during the day.

"Likewise, dear," Patty answered with a big smile on her face. "come now and take your seats while I bring the usual for you." Patty rambled excitedly, ushering them to their tables as Bella and Archer took one while The bodyguards took another.

Patty's little shop wasn't full at that time of the day. There was a family who kept glancing at Bella, astonished for seeing someone of the royalty here and a couple who seemed to be on a date but kept to themselves.

"Wait, Patty," Bella called for her before making her way to the kitchen. "Bring the four of us my usual, but see what each one of them will drink, as for me, I will take my usual chocolate milkshake."

Patty nodded then looked at Archer, asking him, "What the gentleman would like to drink with the food?"

"The same as princess Bella, please," Archer replied, smiling sweetly at Patty. Patty sent an approving wink to Bella, followed by a whisper, "Good looking boyfriend, you have got yourself here, my child." however, it wasn't that discreet of a whisper as Archer already heard it. A cocky smirk was pulled upon his lips. Bella almost face-palmed herself, witnessing arch boy's ego being fed.

"No..No.. patty y--" before Bella could continue, Patty was already on her way preparing their orders.

Patty was like the grandma that Bella never had. Her grandparents either died before she was born or at a very young age that she couldn't remember them. Whenever she came, she would talk to Patty, telling her about Dylan, their fake dating, and her troubled feelings. She would pour her heart out for someone who didn't judge nor know her that well till they bonded. For that, Patty thinking about Archer like that with that awkward comment wasn't something unusual or disrespectful to hear from Patty.

"I like her already," Archer commented while Bella just nodded. Bella's face was on flames as she could feel Archer's twinkling gaze pinned on her. She was sure he would strike any second now with his teasing. "so what do your usual consists of?" Surprisingly though, he didn't. He went for averting the subject in hopes of trying to ease the tension. Besides, he was now sure that her relationship with Dylan isn't what it looks like. He decided to bring up that subject with her later, though.

"All the types of things that Patty makes," Bella's wide grin took over her features at the mention of Patty's gracious food. She could never get tired of Patty's pastries. Thus, each time she thanked the god for the intense daily workouts, her physicians and personal trainers had her doing.

Archer's eyes widened. The whole day, he kept slapped in the face with Bella's astonishing personality. "Everything?"

Bella nodded. "Everything."

"Never took you for the type of eating girl, I mean, your body is too perfect for someone who eats that much of calories as you."

Bella rolled her eyes." Well, you don't know me that well, and I would like to keep it that way, sir Archer."

Archer let out a dry chuckle. He didn't want to keep it like that. He wanted to know her more. As a result, he could not find a comeback and simply changed the subject. "So, you love chocolate?"

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