Chapter 27: "I Won't! I Promise!"

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He wakes Dylan up, who groans at him but Arthur pushes him out of bed, telling him that it's an emergency and that he needs to head over to the airport immediately.

Dylan frowns at him with tired eyes, "What is this emergency exactly? Surely it can wait-"

"Dylan," Arthur begins, "Alfred is leaving town and won't be coming back for the next 3 years which is why I need to see him now!"

Dylan goes silent for a minute.

He then nods at Arthur and gets out of the bed. He grabs a random shirt and wears it, quickly running out of the room with Arthur and heading towards the garage.

He heads over to the driver's side and opens the car, with Arthur slipping in the passenger seat. Dylan turns on the engine and drives them out of the garage, wheels screeching and at once, they were on the road towards the Airport Arthur had informed him about.

Once Dylan had parked, Dylan wishes him good luck and Arthur nods at him. Almost instantaneously Arthur opens the car door and starts running towards the airport doors.

He goes in and quickly feels hismelf sink as he observes the huge amount of people walking everywhere.

Arthur goes back to Matthew's information from earlier about Alfred's flight.

"His plane would be leaving at around 10 a.m., find him at the section 5 waiting room. I texted him to wait there until his plane had arrived."

Arthur runs over to the map of the airport, scanning quickly until his eyes had landed on the letters Section 5. Arthur points out his location as well and starts running like his life depended on it.

He turns towards a right and passes through a couple sections before finally arriving to section five.

He looks around, not seeing a familiar caramel blonde haired teen anywhere.

Arthur starts to panic as he looks over at his phone, the time reading 9:56.

His eyes widen as he sees a plane start to move.

His eyes start to swell with tears as he runs towards the wide glass window of the airport, just eyes trained on that plane.

He could feel himself break inside as the plane starts going at fulls speed, farthering away from him.

"No..." Arthur mutters, blinking and just feeling hopeless.

"No...!" Arthur yells, tears starting to fall as he slams his hands on the glass window. The plane starts getting farther and farther away and Arthur could feel himself just get torn apart.

"No! Alfred no!" Arthur yells with extreme pain, slamming his hands again on the glass window, his tears falling even harder. "Alfred don't go!!"

The plane starts to get off the wide road and Arthur closes his eyes.

"Come back! Please! I never even got to tell you that I love you one last time!" He yells. He just yells, hoping

Praying, that Alfred could hear him.

But... the plane just flies away to the sky. Disappearing from Arthur's view altogether and Arthur just looses all energy in his knees.

He falls on the floor by his knees and just... Cries.

He cries like there was no tomorrow.

And he's right. There's just no tomorrow for him.

He can't survive tomorrow without Alfred around.

Arthur cries his heart out, the pain killing him inside.

This time... He was the one who was too Late. And because of that... He won't be seeing Alfred for another 3 or more agonizing years...

"Arthur...?" A voice speaks out behind him and Arthur's eyes quickly widen. He turns to look behind him and god, did he feel his whole being light up.

Without thinking twice, Arthur gets up and runs to Alfred, hugging him him tightly.

"Alfred...! I'm so sorry...!" Arthur sobs as he hugs Alfred, trying not to let go or else he might leave him. "I avoided you these months and they were hell! I tried to remove my feelings for you because it was all just too painful but I just can't get over you...!"

Alfred doesn't say anything, he's just frozen in his spot.

"I still love you Alfred! I love you so much it hurts...! So please..." Arthur looks up at Alfred, his green, pleading, sad emerald eyes boring deeply into Alfred's. "...don't leave me again. I don't want to lose you again for another three years...!"

Alfred stares at Arthur, his gorgeous blue ocean eyes glowing brightly as he stares back at him.

Alfred smashes his lips on Arthur's and Arthur just whimpers in joy and pain and so many other feelings. The contact gives him the godliest waves of electricity flowing through him.

After that emotionally driven kiss, Alfred pulls away and bores his blue eyes on Arthur's. "Do you really love me?" Alfred questions him, tears falling down his cheeks.

Arthur nods at him with so much force, "Yes... I love you Alfred, just please..." Arthur starts to cry, "Don't go..."

Alfred cups Arthur's cheeks and leans on his forehead, "That makes me so happy..." Alfred says shakily, a relieved smile on his face. "...okay."

Arthur looks up at Alfred, his tears still falling down. "I won't leave you again." Alfred chuckles through the tears, "Besides, I love you too much to do just leave you."

Arthur laughs, hugging Alfred tightly and Alfred does the same. They both laugh and just hug there, tears falling down their faces as they embrace the moment.


Alfred tells Arthhr that he has to leave to cancel his scholarship properly and to inform the in charges about it.

Arthur nods in understanding, hugging him one last time but Alfred doesn't let go, making Arthur laugh.

"Alfred, you have to go or else you'll be late for your flight!" Arthur tries to convince him with a warm smile but Alfred only pouts at him, arms still around him. "But I don't want to!"

"I won't return your feelings anymore if you don't do so-"

"OH WOW MY PLANE IS ABOUT TO LEAVE BETTER HEAD THERE IMMEDIATELY!" Alfred rambles, running towards the doors leading to the plane.

Arthur smiles sadly as he watches Alfred walk away.

Suddenly he stops and turns around, "Arthur!" He yells out and Arthur steps forward, his ears perking up.

Alfred grins at him, "Don't Fall For Anyone Else, okay?" Alfred yells and Arthur chuckles, "I won't! I promise!"

Alfred blushes, a happy grin on his face and Arthur can't help but look lovingly at him.

Alfred gets on his plane and soon after, the plane had flown away.
*Sobs grossly* It's so beautiful...! And it's almost the end! God, I'm crying rn it's been such an emotional ride making this...! Thank you all again for supporting this fanfic!

Don't Fall For Anyone Else! [USUK]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora