Chapter 7: Please Stop Appearing So Randomly!

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Thank you, spainxengland for voting for my story as always! I hope you enjoy this update too!
Arthur's Side:

As his morning classes end, he heads towards his usual table near the window and sits across Alfred. Well... Supposedly. Because Alfred wasn't present and it bothered him.

Didn't he say he had a fever...? But usually he would still try to go to school from his said fever. He did look quite red that night... So had it really gotten to him-

"Heyy, Art! The gorgeous Gilbert Beilschmidt is here!" Gilbert announces loudly, grabbing the attention of a couple of heads from other tables. Then he cocks his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "Hm? Don't tell me you're not happy to see the Gilbert Beilschmidt?"

"No, it's nothing." Gilbert shrugs and sits down on his seat beside Arthur.

"I just heard that Alfie boy is excused because of the fever." Gilbert speaks up and Arthur's eyes lay on him.

"It must've been really bad considering even Ludwig knows Alfred doesn't skip practice because of a measly fever." Arthur nods, his mind elsewhere.

Arthur lays a hand on his chest and clenches on his sweater. '...should I go...visit him?'

"Oh, what's up Eliza!" Arthur looks up and sees Gilbert waving at Ms. Héderváry who was walking with another teacher. She gives him a light smile and waves back. She looks over at Arthur and she brightens up. "Hello, Arthur!"

Arthur smiles uncomfortably, but waves back nonetheless.On the corner of his eyes he sees Gilbert smile widely, a tint of pink evident on his cheeks. "You look fantastic as always!"

"Okay, Gilbert. Now eat your food." The teacher says, chuckling at the end of her sentence before heading off to the counter with the other teacher.

Gilbert sits down and sighs, a happy look on his face. "Man, she's really something, isn't she Art?"

Arthur just looks over to his tea, reaching for it. "I'm pretty sure I didn't agree with the nicknames and I will just say simply that she is an... interesting person." Arthur comments, emphasizing on the word interesting.

Gilbert snickers, leaning on his seat. "Dude, you're such an Englishman." Arthur just scoffs and sips on his tea as he reads his book.

After their lunch break, (with Gilbert asking Arthur questions and letting Arthur explain the current book he's reading during the break), they both go on their separate ways but Arthur stops to sweep his eyes around the canteen once more.

Still, no sign of Alfred. Arthur frowns and heads to his first afternoon class.

Even after their classes Arthur still couldn't find any sign of Alfred around and Arthur's mood lowers.

Packing up to go to the library, he feels a hand on his shoulder. Arthur turns his head and sees a boy with reddish brown hair with a curl standing on the side of his head. Feliciano Vargas. He has his signature lazy carefree smile plastered on his face.

"Ciao, Arthur! You know how we have a homework thing for Biology and I had been assigned to give this to Alfred since he has a fever but you see the thing is... I have a date with my boyfriend, Ludwig, today." The Italian's expression turns sad. Arthur's heart tore at the mention of Alfred and jealousy at how open Ludwig and Feliciano were about their relationship.

If only Alfred was more lgbtq+ supportive those years ago then he and Arthur wouldn't have argued about it and then he would've taken him seriously...

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