An Alfred Chapter! (1)

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Alfred's Side:
(23 days/30 days)

It's currently friday and Alfred wants to spend some time with Arthur to commemorate their friendship and to catch up on how the other has been doing (though Alfred would observe him on the sidelines and honestly he already knew what's up but STILL!)

During his Biology class, Alfred lists a couple of things he and Arthur could do on Saturday.

"Hmm... Let's see..." He writes on his notebook. "This idea? Nah, not so great..."

"Okay, I have my options here:

Movie? (There's not much good movies on theatres today...)

Park? (Nah, too many people and it seems boring)

Shopping? (Sounds like something Arthur and mom would enjoy together...)

Video Games? (But we already did that last time)

Study?? (WHO STUDIES AT THE WEEKENDS THOUGH? ...well maybe Arthur.)

Buy a dog (Yo when did that get there)

Disney World (Ermm.... Maybe some other day)

Chess at my house (I don't think Arthur plays chess anymore...I think)"

"Alfred, may I please ask what you are doing there?" Kiku suddenly speaks up behind him and Alfred grins at him. "Oh, I was thinking of some places me and Arthur could go this weekend! To y'know... Celebrate our re-friendship!"

Kiku smiles at him softy. "I'm glad you two are getting along. You sounded like you really missed him." Alfred laughs embarrassed, scratching his neck. "Oh, you think so?"

Kiku nods and Alfred smiles to himself. "Well, that is true. Which is why I want this Saturday to be the best!" Alfred exclaims, getting a couple eyes on him.

"Mr. Jones, please keep your voice down for as you can see my class is still going." Alfred smiles apologetically. "Kay, sir."

"Well, show me your plans and maybe I can find a good thing for you." Alfred nods and hands over his notebook to Kiku.

"Wow, Disney World? Study? Buy a dog? I'm impressed." Alfred laughs embarrassed again. "Well, they're just ideas that came up to mind."

Kiku chuckles. "Just head to the mall. It would already have what you've listed here like movies, shopping, maybe a bookstore, and lunch."

Alfred nods, understanding. "WOAH! You're totes right Kiku! Well, then it's decided! The Mall!"

"Mr. Jones! Please step out of my class and think about what you've done!" The teacher angrily yells and Alfred sinks in his seat. "Oh crap."

Once classes had finished, Alfred goes over to Arthur who had just stepped out of his class. "Hey, Arthur wait for me again today, okay? I have something important to tell you."

Arthur blinks, a small blush appearing on his porcelain cheeks. "Okay."

Alfred grins, leaving the room to head to the field.

He greets Mattie upon arrival. "Heyo, Mattie."

Mattie greets back. "Good evening, Alfred. What's with the chipper attitude?"

Alfred smiles. "Since tomorrow is a Saturday, I thought that maybe I could bring Arthur to the mall so we could spend time together and, well, catch up and all."

"Hah! The mall?? You can't be serious Alfred!" Alfred turns over at Matthias who had just walked in on their conversation. "If you want to have a great time bring him to a fun place like the Derby!"

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