Chapter 4: No, Don't Go

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You have given me joy in wanting to continue writing more so I have made this chapter with a new side of perspective!
I hope you enjoy this chaper as well!

Elizabeta's Side:

Once she sees Alfred crying infront of her, she knows he has to go home and rest.

"B-but I still have p-practice today...!" Alfred exclaims, small sobs still escaping from his mouth. "Coach w-will k-kill me..."

Elizabeta tries to convince him more sternly. "No Alfred, I'll make sure of that. What you need right now is a good night's sleep. One day of practice won't let you loose all that skill you have, right?" Alfred starts chuckling, his deep voice radiating from his throat beneath his crying. "W-well, I can't j-just leave yet... I mean look at me. My rep will g-get destroyed if a-anyone sees me like this and I even left my motor bike at home..."

Elizabeta goes silent for a moment. If she brings him home, people might wonder if something is up but...

Elizabeta looks over at Alfred and she sighs. He looks so weak like that little kid three years ago...!

Oh nevermind, she'll do it.

She grabs her phone, scrolling for the football coach's name. Once she finds it, she presses on it and taps for the "call" option.

She lifts the phone to her ear, telling Alfred to stay and calm himself down for a moment while she takes a call. Alfred merely nods, a small understanding smile on his face.

Once she's outside, the other line finally picks up.

Alfred's Side:

Once Ms. Héderváry had entered the room again, Alfred looks up and asks her who she called.

"Oh, I contacted your coach, telling him you had gotten a really bad fever so you don't get into any trouble the next day." Alfred nods at this. He laughs a bit, sort of surprised that the coach gave him a pass. Maybe because he knew how hardworking Alfred was and deserved a break from a measly 'fever'. Checking himself through his phone, he breathes a sigh of relief seeing as his face isn't so red anymore. Just a light tint of pink on his cheeks and nose, giving off a feverish look. His glasses help in covering the small bags over his face. Anyone who sees him would just think that he really has a fever.

"Well, who's picking me up?" Alfred asks. Elizabeta gives him a soft smile. "Don't worry, Alfred. I'll send you home tonight." Ms. Héderváry says, giving him a reassuring smile. He trusts the teacher because after all, she had been there for him before he even turned high school, being good friends with his mother and all.

After six months after the... thing, Alfred met Ms. Elizabeta Héderváry, who was 22 and a recent college graduate. She came over to their home to thank his mother for helping her get through. Observing her, she has long sandy brown hair, green bright eyes, skin that looks as soft as a fluffy pillow, and beautifully structured facial features that still amazed Alfred to this day. But they just weren't as... flawless as Arthur's porcelain face and sandy blonde hair.

When she saw Alfred, she introduced herself warmly.

"Hello, Alfred! My name is Elizabeta Héderváry. I've heard so much about you from your mother. I've just graduated four months ago..." And absentmindedly, she rambles about herself.

"...and if you need any help, just call me through your mom's phone and I'll answer right away. I'll even try to come over at your place if you need me to. Oh, and I'll be starting work at a highschool a kilometer away so if you need any assistance, feel free to come over to visit."

"Oh, dearie. You don't need to do all that. Just a call would be enough." Alfred's mom says, a small smile on her aging face. Elizabeta only grins at her.

"It's the least I can do for your kindness."

That was probably the reason why Alfred even transferred at the school in the first place, aside from the theory that Arthur might've transferred there too. The idea of someone who cares just nearby, ready to help him the best she can, was comforting.

Once they locked up the classroom, Elizabeta goes to the Faculty Room just to get her things and Alfred agrees to wait outside.

Foot steps are heard from the end of the already darkening hallway and Alfred's eyes are instantly on alert.

"...Oh c'mon Art! Let me help you with those!" A voice emerges from the dark hallway and a huff follows.

"I'm perfectly fine with these books thank you very much. I'm not as weak and timid as you make me seem to be." Alfred freezes. It sounds like Arthur... Which would make it that the other voice is...!

Two figures emerge from the dark and Alfred feels his heart sting as he sees Arthur talking to the Albino. If only he's the one beside Arthur and talking to him...

"Oh, what's up Alfred!" Alfred's mind snaps back to reality and sees that the both of them were looking at him.

Feeling himself get angry, Alfred merely keeps up a blank face and says a low "Yo." back to them.

Gilbert raises an eyebrow and grins at Alfred, walking over to him and looping his arm over his shoulders. "Oh come on, Alfred! Where's your usually enthusiastic energy? You seem so tense what's up?"

'Oh nothing. Just a little pissed that someone like you is hanging out with my childhood bestfriend and the fact that he's here with his eyes glimmering under the dark keeping me locked in place. Nothing much, nothing much at all.' Alfred thinks.

"I just...have a fever. That's all..." Alfred answers, a crooked smile plastered on his face as he feels himself edge to pushing away the Albino off him.

He glances over for a second at Arthur's reaction to this and he feels his heart light up at Arthur's expression.

He looks...worried. I-Is that a good thing? M-maybe the dark is just kind of fucking with his vision... Or maybe his glasses need to be upgraded yeah that's probably it-

"Huh?? A fever?!? That ain't much of a reason to pussy out off the field!" Gilbert annoyingly exclaims and Alfred feels his small moment of happiness wash out, a scowl directed at the still snickering red eyed teen.

"Gilbert... Let's just go. These books are heavy..." Arthur suddenly speaks up and Alfred turns his head towards the boy, his facial expression softening.

'No, don't go...'

Arthur suddenly tenses, as if he was able to read the message Alfred sent from his eyes.

"See? Told ya. You should just give in and let your awesomeness give you a hand." Gilbert lets go of Alfred
and turns to him. "Sorry Alfie boy but I gotta help this guy. Who else would but his awesomeness himself?" Then he runs after Arthur.

'In any case, I would. With each and every day.'

Once they were out of sight, Alfred exhales a breath that he hadn't known he had been holding and lets his legs give in, slamming on to the floor.

The faculty door opens and the Hungarian teacher steps out. "Okay Alfred, sorry I took so long and- uh... Are you okay?"

Alfred nods. He stands up groggily and just gives her a smile. "Yeah... Let's go."

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