Chapter 27: "I Won't! I Promise!"

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I woke up with so many notifications! Thanks to MaryCaramel and to Hiratakana2468 for newly voting for the story, Shipsislife for adding my story to your reading list and following me, and to the usual voters, commenters, and readers of this fanfic! You've really been the best and you made all my bad days turn bright! Thank you all!

Arthur's Side:

Months passed and the schoolyear has ended. Antonio and Arthur had broken up that night, leaving tension between them for 2 months, until Arthur's spoken with Antonio and they had become friends again.

Gilbert had become close to Matthew, Kiku had gotten the Greek student's interest, and Antonio had slowly started to fall for Lovino.

Everything seemed to be turning back to normal except him and Alfred.

Arthur hasn't spoken much to Alfred, mostly because Alfred seemed to be avoiding him and Arthur was honestly doing the same thing. During these months, Arthur was brought to a sad state. He misses Alfred so much but he's just not sure whether he can really face him after everything.

This all reminds him of the three agonizing years he had suffered through, but more painful.

It's funny to Arthur because he's reconciled with Antonio easily but when it came to Alfred... It was just too different.

Everything that had happened between them both made their relationship so confusing and complicated.


One day during summer, Arthur was playing chess by himself with the board that Alfred had left that day he came over to play it. He had started to get interest in chess a few months back after he and Alfred stopped talking to each other.

His phone rings in the middle of his solo game and he reaches for it, displaying "Matthew" on its screen with bold letters.

He breathes out before taking the call, placing his phone towards his ears, "Hello, Matthew."

"Arthur, are you at the airport right now?" Arthur's eyes widen and his heart starts to race, "No... W-why...?"

Mattie gasps from the other line, muttering to himself before speaking through the line again, "Arthur, don't you know?"

"Know what...?" Arthur questions, his mind overall confused.

Silence fills the other end before Matthew speaks up again, "Alfred is..."

"..he's leaving this town to a sports highschool out of the state. He's heading there to officiate his scholarship request."

Arthur's eyes widen with shock and his heart is quickly ripped apart, "L-leaving...?"

"Yeah, Arthur, and he won't be coming back for another three years." Arthur's breath hitches, tears staring to blur his vision.

"No... No no no this can't be happening..." Arthur rambles shaking as he gets up.

"Arthur, if you maybe still love him, then you need to see him before he leaves." Mattie says on the other line and Arthur grips his phone.

"... Of course I still do." Arthur says, shaking. "Matthew, tell me the location of the airport now."


Once Matthew had told him of the location, Arthur runs downstairs, trying to wear the sweatshirt he grabbed.

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