An Alfred Chapter! (4)

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Alfred's Side:
(12 days/21 days)

Alfred walks up to Arthur's porch and he breathes in deeply. He grips the board in his hand, hoping things would turn out okay.

He then raises a hand to knock on the door. After a few minutes, the door unlocks and it reveals Arthur's mother.

"Oh... Hello again, Alfred." Alfred swallows. "Mrs, Kirkland, is Arthur there? I would just like to talk to him-"

"Alfred, why do you keep visiting Arthur?" Oh no, here it goes... "What exactly does Arthur have with you?"

Alfred looks down at his shoes, gripping the board in his hands tighter. "I... I love Arthur."

He looks up and he sees that Arthur's mother's eyes were wide open. He proceeds, "He means alot to me and... Well... Even if he might not accept me" just yet "I want to at least be his friend still. I really wish you would support me and Arthur's friendship again."

Silence befalls on them and Alfred swallows again. He might just get told to stay away because of this but-

"Okay." Alfred breaks from his thoughts and takes a breath. "He's just upstairs."

"Oh, t-thank you..." He stutters, moving after her and heading up the stairs when she suddenly stops him.

"Alfred... You know Arthur had been upset these last few days because of you. I'm just worried that you might hurt him even more." Alfred's stomach boils with guilt. He furrows his eyebrows. "Then... Why did you let me in?"

She goes silent for a moment before opening her mouth once again. "...Because I know Arthur needs you to fix him."

Alfred was surprised. He thought... He really thought Arthur's family hated him. But realizing and looking back at what they all had said to him, from Dylan, to Arthur's mom, and even to Allistor... They were just trying to protect Arthur.

Alfred looks at Arthur's mother. "Did you also know that Arthur...?" She doesn't say anything.

But then she gives a nod and Alfred frowns at himself. "We've just been pushing you out because we knew he would just get hurt from seeing you. But I think he's ready now to face you at least. But please, Alfred," Arthur's mother pleads, taking Alfred's hand into hers. "Be careful with him."

Alfred takes a moment before nodding, giving her a reassuring smile. "Of course. I love him after all." She smiles at that and lets go of Alfred's hand.

Alfred heads up to Arthur's room and opens the door slowly. He peeks in and sees Arthur reading a book.

Alfred smiles at himself. Arthur really is still the same.

And he loves him for it.

Alfred knocks on the door,making Arthur jump from his sliding chair and turning to the door.

Arthur looked surprised. "A-Alfred...?? Why are you-"

"I'm sorry about that day, Arthur... In fact, I'm really sorry about hurting you all this time." Alfred admits, stepping into the room. Arthur stays frozen on his spot. "Alfred, I told you, stop coming after me-"

"Can't a friend just play chess with another friend?" Alfred says, a small smile on his face as he shows the board he's been holding.

Arthur looks at the board, and for the first time in these last fee days, Alfred sees a small tinge of happiness flicker in Arthur's eyes.

"Are you sure you're not here to...?" Arthur asks and Alfred nods. "It all depends on you, Arthur. If you'll interpret this as me trying to get you still, you can, because it's true. I still want you and I still need you." Alfred sees Arthur swallow, his Adam's appel bouncing up and down. He proceeds, "Or you can interpret this as me just wanting to play chess with you as a friend, because that is also true. But all I can really say is that I just want to spend as much time with you."

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