Chapter 23: The Party

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Oh my goooooosh! Thanks for the follow chavvvy and for voting for my story as well! To iloveBLkillugon for recently voting and commenting as well, and to @AlexanderHamilton590 for adding my story to your reading list! All your support is very much appreciated! And holy crap cakes 1.99 Thousand reads!! Oh mah GAD. I gotta prepare myself with a thank you art!

Alfred's Side:

Alfred shivers as he slips the letter inside the mailbox.

He hears footsteps approach from behind him and he turns around, seeing his mother walking towards him. "So you've finally decided to go forward for your scholarship?" Alfred nods, turning his head towards the house just across his.

He feels a hand on his shoulder, "Alfred..."

"I think that... If I do this, I'll finally be able to do what Arthur has told me to do." Alfred says, his breath cooling off in the cold, morning air.

He turns around and sees a small frown on her face. "Alfred... You don't have to." Alfred chuckles, "Mom, I want to..."

His mother stares at him before walking closer and giving him a warm hug. He wraps his arms around her as well as their hug lasts for a minute. "I just want you to know that we're always proud of you, Alfred." His mother says after letting go.

Alfred's heart warms up and he smiles, "Thank you, mom."

Alfred really doesn't know how he'd be able to survive without his parents with him. They've helped him ever since he was born and until now, they've been the best support he has. He really doesn't know how he'll be able to thank them enough.

Alfred and his mother start walking back to their house when Alfred feels his back pocket vibrate. He reaches for it and unlocks it.

Seems like he's just receieved a message from... Antonio?

He presses on the message and he reads it:

SpanishTomatoXD / 6:48 a.m.
Hey, Alfred. I'm sorry for the sudden text but I just have a small request, seeing as how we're kind of okay now. Can you pick up Arthur with you to the party tonight? Matthias asked me to help him bring the drinks to his party and I don't think I will be able to.

Alfred's eyes open wide, his heart racing. Antonio's just asked him to get Arthur to the party with him! But...

Alfred quickly types back.

You|Sent at 6:50 a.m.
Sure, I'll be happy to.

SpanishTomatoXD / 6:48 a.m.
Great. And Alfred?

Don't try anything, please.

Alfred hesitates for a second before typing again.

You | Sent at 6:54 a.m.
Of course. I promised Arthur that I won't try anything.

'I'm not planning on breaking what little thing we have left by fucking myself up.' Alfred thinks as he presses the send button. He tucks in his phone and walks inside his home, wondering how things will happen tonight.


Alfred walks up to Arthur's front porch and stands there for a second. He then looks down at his watch.

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