Chapter 25: I Love You

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WIIIEE! THANKS Kittenlover6767 for adding my story to your readinglist! LMAO I'M HONESTLY SCARED OF PUBLISHING THIS CHAPTER BUT I FINALLY GOT THEM GUTS TO DO SO. Hope you enjoy this one hahah.

Alfred's and Arthur's Side:


Arthur sits on the bed, his face all blank and empty.

Alfred sits beside him, placing a hand behind him and caressing gently.

After what felt like hours of silence between the two of them, Alfred hears a sniff come from Arthur.

"How could he...?" Arthur croaks out. "After all I've been trying to do to make our relationship work he just..."

Arthur starts to shake and Alfred frowns, his heart feeling a twist of pain at Arthur's saddened state. "I know things weren't going well between us! I knew that it was still going downhill even after you gave up on me...!" Arthur leans on Alfred, trembling in his arms.

"I tried! I tried and tried and endured it all but then he just...!" Arthur hiccups and places his arms around Alfred. He starts to sob. "I care for him...! I really do...! I stayed because I cared but seeing this... I just..." He sniffs, "I don't think I can handle it all anymore!"

Alfred was... Shocked. So Arthur was lying to him yesterday? Things between him and Antonio weren't fine at all...

Alfred hugs Arthur tighter and places a kiss on his soft sandy blonde hair. "It hurts...! It just hurts...! I just can't forgive him after this..." Alfred could feel Arthur grip his jacket, "'s all clear. We were never going to work out at all..."

Arthur starts sobbing, though Alfred knows he's trying to hold himself back from crying loudly. Alfred lets go and cups his cheek, "Arthur..."

Arthur hiccups and Alfred swipes his thumb over Arthur's tear stained cheek, feeling a small spark run over his thumb. "..He doesn't deserve you, Arthur."

Arthur frowns at him, pushing himself away from Alfred, "And what do you know about that? You've never been in my situation before..."

"Arthur, you might not know it but I've been suffering as well. I know at least that you don't deserve someone like Toni."

"Shut up!" Arthur yells angrily. "You don't know what I've been through! You don't know how much I've cried because of you!"

"Don't think that you're the only one who's been suffering, Arthur!" Alfred breaks, grabbing Arthur on his wrists, "Those three years were hell! Those three years wherein we stopped talking and you pushed me away repeatedly?! I cried my eyes out! I cried so much that I just couldn't get up in the morning! But then I became so happy when we reconciled. I was so goddamn happy, Arthur...!" Alfred yells, tears falling down his face, "But then you dated him and I was just so lost because then I finally realized that I loved you all along!"

Arthur was just frozen, stuck and mesmerized with Alfred's words.

"I really love you Arthur and seeing you hurt because of me made me feel like shit! I felt like I wanted to die because you just mean so much to me...!" Arthur could only sit, frozen in his spot as Alfred places his forehead on his shoulder, shaking tremendously.

"And so I backed away because that's what you wanted, right?? You wanted me to back away! Even though I knew you still loved me, and that I still had a chance, I threw it away! I backed off because I love you so much! I've been sacrificing myself for you and I would do it again if that's what makes you happy...!" Alfred starts sobbing, letting go of Arthur's hands.

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