Chapter 19: A Day Too Late

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I decided that I'll just update two chapters each day because I have so much already drafted in here and my classes are starting to get to me a little less focused in this story. So, here's chapter 19 and 20 everybody! (Though I might update chapter 20 later today)

Alfred's Side:

Alfred couldn't contact Toni. Probably his phone was off or something...? Oh well, he still told Mattie and Ludwig everything, even though he knew Ludwig barely had any idea of the fully story.

"So... Are you going to ask him out?" Mattie questions him. It's the same question Ludwig had asked him earlier.

"I don't know... I mean it all feels so... Sudden. I at least have to tell Arthur my feelings first. I guess I just need a little more time to get comfortable with actually dating someone I actually love..." Alfred admits. It feels... Right, saying it. He really does love Arthur.

He just really needs time to fully adjust to all his feelings. After all, this happened to suddenly and... Yeah, alot of things had happened.

"But Alfred, don't we have a family reunion this weekend? You'll barely be able to check on Arthur with you gone for a day and a half." Mattie mentions and Alfred sighs.

God dammit, the family reunion. He totally forgot that a few days ago.

"Well, I'll try to tell him in the morning. If not, then once I arrive back from the trip."

*Next Day... (Saturday)*

Alfred limps over to Arthur's house at 6:30 a.m. He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.

He waits for a few minutes when someone opens the door. "Oh, it's you, Alfred. What are you doin' here at 6:30 in the morning?" Dylan asks, and Alfred glances behind him to try and find the person he's looking for.

"Arthur, right? Well, he isn't here that's for sure." Alfred frowns. "Where did he go...?"

Alfred sees a glimpse of pity flash Dylan's eyes before they return to his usual demeanor. "He's sleeping."

Alfred's ears perk up. "Dylan, Please I need to see him." Dylan clicks his tongue. "Why? Are you gonna hurt him again? Tell him to go fuck himself for being..." Dylan cuts himself off, huffing out a breath. "Listen, I've had enough of your bullshit. I told you to stay away from him but you decided to be stubborn and stay. Eventually, you hurt him. Why do you think he hasn't gone to school for three days?"

Alfred furrows his eyebrows together, guilt boiling up in his stomach.


"I'm not here to try and hurt him," Alfred begins, "... But I'm here to tell him that I love him."

Dylan's eyes open wide, his orange hair swaying from the cold morning wind. "So you finally figured it out..." Dylan says, but something about that sounds sad.

"It's too bad, Alfred. You were a day too late." Alfred feels a knife stab through his heart.

What does he...?

Before Alfred could press further, Dylan's already closed the door on him.

He bangs his fists on the door. "Arthur! Please! I need to talk to you!"

"Arthur!" No one opens the door or even tells him off.

Alfred stands there, his fists clenched. "What's going on, Arthur...?"


He visits Arthur's house a few more times but no one answers or even lets him in.

He even sends texts telling him that he needs to talk to him and that he needs to see him.

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