Chapter 24: Don't Look!

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Thanks to Baskerville2003 for the follow! I massively appreciate it! Sorry if I can't update as much but I'll try.

Arthur's Side:

Antonio gives him a smile after he pulls away, "You look great. I knew it would you would fit that look."

Arthur laughs, "I'm only experimenting. And did you drink? You taste a bit bitter." Antonio chuckles before bringing him through the sweaty bodies of students dancing. At one corner, he sees Gilbert making out with Matthew and Arthur's eyes widen. He didn't know Matthew and Gilbert had a thing.

Antonio brings him to a counter which seemed to serve the drinks, "Well? What do you want?" Antonio asks him and Arthur shrugs, looking around for a bit before turning his head back to his boyfriend, "I'm feeling a bit risky right now. Maybe a glass of beer?" Antonio frowns, "Are you sure? You might get drunk-"

"Antonio, I'm only asking for one glass. That's it. I promise, I won't be getting deadass drunk anytime soon and I just need something to hype me up a bit that's all." Arthur says, trying to convince Antonio.

Antonio gives in, grabbing a clear glass and pouring in some light beer, "Thanks."

Antonio also pours himself some and they sit on the chairs near the counter. They drink their drinks awkwardly, both just watching the people infront of them dance and make out. Arthur blushes as his eyes land on Matthew and Gilbert who seems to be touching each other with their lips still on each other's.

Arthur's memory goes back to the time Antonio and him made out at his home and he coughs.

But then another memory comes up that makes him choke in his drink.

Alfred's rough looking but soft lips...

Its was just a small instance. A small moment but it seemed to affect him much more than any of his and Antonio's make outs.

Arthur could just laugh in pity to himself, a small kiss from someone he shouldn't be thinking about affecting him so much more than with his own boyfriend? How pitiful...

"Wow, they're really going at it, huh?" Antonio suddenly speaks out, placing his drink on his lap. "Maybe you'd want to prove them otherwise?" Antonio suggest with a small mischevious smile but Arthur doesn't turn around to look at him but instead his eyes land on a familiar caramel blonde haired teen.

And to Arthur's discomfort, he was talking to a hot looking female with white hair and huge busts.

Arthur grits his teeth. This guy... Seriously...!

Wait... He shouldn't be feeling this way! After all he doesn't own Alfred...

He feels a hand on his shoulder and he turns around to see Antonio giving him a small but uneasy smile. "Sorry." Arthur says, "I was just a bit distracted..."

"Let's have fun at the dance floor, okay?" He lends a hand out for Arthur to grab and Arthur places his hand over Antonio's. They both place their glasses on the counter before getting up and heading to the dancefloor.


Arthur can feel himself getting just abit dizzy but he can fully assure that he's still sober. He's been dancing in the dancefloor with the hype beat that he hadn't noticed that Antonio's gone missing. He's only realized it when a hand slap his ass. He turns around and sees a girl with barely any clothing wrap her arms around him. "Hey baby, you look sexy. Want to dance with another hottie?"

Arthur frowns, gently pushing her hands away, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend. You can go find someone else." Just not Alfred.

Shit! He did it again! Stop it, Arthur!

The girl scowls at him and walks away, her ass jiggling horrendously and Arthur cringes. He then turns to look around the crowd of people surrounding him but he just couldn't find Antonio.

He pushes a couple of people, who either tells him to fuck off or whistles at him with predatory intent. He suddenly bumps to a hard chest, almost losing his balance but a hand catches him.

"Arthur, why are you alone? And where's Antonio?" Arthur stands up properly and looks up at the person infront of him. It was Alfred.

Quickly reminded of the girl from earlier, Arthur scoffs at him, "Like you should care."

Alfred's eyebrows furrow, "What's with the sudden mood? I'm just concerned about you, Arthur." Arthur turns away from him. "Well, if you care so much, I'm here trying to find him."

Alfred nods and pulls on his hand. Arthur opens his mouth to retort but then decides to close it. He's too distracted at how perfectly aligned his hand fits in Alfred's.

Alfred asks a couple of familiar faces, as well as some unfamiliar ones, about Antonio. They tell him where they had last seen him and Arthur and Alfred head to the directions they had pointed out.

Alfred's Side: (but more of a mixture of both and you'll understand soon enough)

After thirty minutes of searching for Antonio, they just couldn't seem to find him. He then turns to Arthur who has a worried look in his face, "Maybe the alcohol's finally gotten to him and he's gotten himself lost outside??" Arthur hypothesizes worriedly. Alfred chuckles at the hilarity of Arthur's hypothesis, "No, Antonio knows how to handle his drinks well. He's just around this house somewher-"

Alfred's eyes widens. His eyes lands on a familiar brown haired teen and another with brown auburn hair on top of him.

And they were kissing.

Antonio and Lovino were making out. And really it doesn't seem like they'd be stopping anytime.

Alfred is frozen in his spot, which probably took Arthur's attention. "Alfred, what's wrong? Why did you stop?"

"Arthur don't look." Alfred could only order him, his eyes still stuck on the two making out on the sofa.

"Alfred what do you mean don't-" Once Arthur had stopped talking, Alfred turns around and his heart twists at Arthur's expression.

He looks so hurt. Heartbroken. This makes Alfred pulls Arthur in to his arms. The booming music getting fainter and fainter in his ears, only hearing his rushing heartbeat and Arthur's.

He can feel Arthur shake in his arms and Alfred hugs him tighter. Alfred sees Matthias approach them with his boyfriend Lukas, "What's wrong with Arthur, Alfred?" Matthias questions him, looking a bit sober from before. Probably Lukas forcing him to.

Alfred points to the two on the sofa, who're clearly enjoying themselves. Lukas' eyes widen, "Oh no... Is that-"

"That bastard!" Matthias says angrily but Alfred shakes his head at him. "Just... Bring us to a quiet room."

Matthias nods and they head upstairs to Matthias' room, "Me and Lukas we're supposed to have some fun in here-OW!" Lukas hits Matthias in the ribs and Matthias winces, laughing at him, "Just kidding, just kidding! Anyway, take as much time as you like." Alfred thanks the both of them before he closes the door and brings Arthur to sit on Matthias' bed.

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