A Banana! Really!

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Kiara followed Aryan in the elevator. No words were exchanged. As the elevator started getting crowded, Aryan was pushed slightly in Kiara's direction. He turned facing the confused Kiara and stretched both his arms caging her in middle.

Kiara blushed. No one had been in this close proximity to her. She was looking everywhere else than Aryan as she felt him staring. After two to three halts, Kiara and Aryan were the only ones left. She coughed and pointed towards the free space. 

Aryan was still in his trance and it took him one to two minutes to comprehend what she was pointing at. He composed himself as soon as he saw that the elevator was empty. He faced the transparent glass door of the elevator and waited for it to open with his back towards Kiara.

Kiara heaved a sigh of relief. However, she started missing his not-so-close embrace, his aura, his cologne. Their floor number beeped and without wasting a second Aryan left with Kiara following his trail.

"Hmm, What is it?" asked Kiara once they reached his cabin.

"Huh, What?" snapped Aryan.

"What did you call me for?" she asked with a straight face. Despite their little thing in the elevator, she remembered the exact words which he said to her. She was hurt and he had to know that.

Aryan's eyes were searching for something in his cabin. He walked over to the table between the couches and came to Kiara with a banana.

"Take this." he passed it on to Kiara.


"Take this I said." Aryan took her hand and placed a banana on it.

"Do you want me to peel it off for you?" Kiara asked confused.

"No, eat it."

"I don't want to," Kiara went to keep it where it belonged, on the table.

Aryan held his hand, 

"You have to eat it."

"But, why are you insisting? I don't like bananas. I detest even touching it. Ewwww." 

"Because it is a peace offering," Aryan mumbled shyly.

"A what? Peace Offering? Are you apologizing Aryan?" Kiara questioned shockingly.

Aryan began to scratch his head with a look of guilt on his face. His expressions made it obvious that he was sorry for whatever he said.

Kiara started laughing. She was unable to understand Aryan. He seemed like a small child asking for forgiveness from his mother for that stolen piece of chocolate. He looked so adorable.

"Stop laughing at least," Aryan stated with a hint of annoyance.

"Ok Ok." Kiara tried to compose herself but she couldn't stifle her laugh. No longer, Aryan joined her too. That moment felt like a relief to her, she saw a new side of Aryan. A good side.

"Friends?" Aryan let out his right hand towards Kiara.

"Cross my heart and hope to die." Kiara mimicked by placing a hand on her heart with fists closed. She giggled and shook her hand with him.

"Okay! Enough. Let's get back to work. Give me that report of last months magazine stats." Aryan demanded.

"Bossy much." Kiara scrunched her nose mumbling to herself.

"I am!" Aryan declared with a smirk.

Soon after, they got engrossed in their work. Kiara took a look at mobile and saw it was 8 in the night. Aryan had already left for his meeting and charity event in the noon. She was alone in the office while everybody left at 7. 

She stretched her hands and yawned. She was hungry and tired. After grabbing her things, she checked her desk for one last time and then she left.

On her way to the parking lot, she found Aryan walking absurdly. Kiara never expected him in the office as he was supposed to attend the important charity event. She quickened her pace and rushed towards him. He was standing near her car.

"Didn't you go to the event?"

Aryan was barely able to answer her. Kiara immediately knew from his stature that he was heavily inebriated.

"What are you doing here this late?" Aryan slurred.

"Are you drunk?"

"Are you drunk?" Aryan mimicked.

"Why are you repeating after me?"

 "Why are you repeating after me?" 

"What are you doing here?"

 "What are you doing here?" Aryan was unable to stand, he was relying on Kiara's car which was of Kiara for support.

"Why are you not answering my question?"

 "Why are you not answering my question?"

'Okay, if this is what he wants' Kiara mumbled to herself.

"I am beautiful."

"I am beautiful." 

"Kiara is the best person in the whole world."

"Kiara is the best person in the whole world,"  Aryan said but suddenly realising his words, he glanced at Kiara.

"Obviously, you are not. You are Klutz." Aryan muttered with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Whatever. Now, tell me why are you here? As there is nothing left to do at the office for today." Kiara stood in front of him with her hands folded together.

"I had to escape that event somehow. So, here I am Miss Klutzzzzzzzzzz...

Kiara quickly caught him before he was about to kiss the ground. 

"Why do you drink if you can't handle yourself?" Kiara frustratingly asked Aryan while she was balancing him sideways.

"I can Misssssss."

"Please save it for the other day. What am I going to do with you?" A thought popped up in her mind, she instantly called Ria and told here everything. Worried Ria said to wait up, she'll send their driver straight away.

Kiara dragged drunken Aryan towards the side of the car. She balanced Aryan on one side and struggled on another to grab her car keys from her side bag. In the meanwhile, Aryan started singing, 

Sacchi Mohabbat shayad wahi hai,

Jisme junoon hai, jisme junoon hai.

Par do dilo ki yaari me bhi to,

Kitna sukoon hai, kitna sukoon hai.

Deke mujhe teri Judaai,

Mere Rab ne mujhe paigam diya.

Kiara was stunned. He sang beautifully but she saw more to it. His voice was hoarse, he was on the edge of breaking up, he was looking remorse. Kiara couldn't move, she was staring into his eyes which had hurt and emotions she couldn't put her finger on. 

Channa Mereya, Mereya

Channa Mereya, Mereya

Channa Mereya, Mereya 

Oooo Piyaaaaaa.

Aryan had closed his eyes while singing the last part and smiled while uttering the last word. He opened his teary eyes only to find Kiara crying.

"Her name was Piya." was all he managed to say before falling into deep slumber.

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