New Beginnings

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Kiara woke up right before 5 minutes her alarm was set at. She always managed to wake up early than her alarm clock. After getting ready in almost 20 minutes she went downstairs to grab her breakfast.

Yeah, 20 minutes because she didn't like to dress up like other girls who would take hours and still not feel happy about it. She kept it simple, short yet stylish, although her wardrobe had everything a girl would ever ask for.

On the breakfast table, she found Shona and Rita having a hearty laugh while savoring the scrumptious aloo ke parathe with pudina chatni.

Shona had visited yesterday to wish Kiara for her new job, Kiara told Shona about her rendezvous with Mr.Arrogant Aryan. Shona was exhilarated about this little encounter at the same time worried about her.

"It's now or never Kiara, you have to take the first step even though your boss is an incredibly arrogant handsome jerk. Face this now or regret it later. Your aim is to come out of your cocoon. Don't lose this all for a person whom you don't even know." Shona pacified her by putting her hand on her shoulders.

"Maybe you're right, let's give this a chance. A new beginning to a new me", Kiara tossed hands with her. Then all three went to have dinner at their favourite exquisite restaurant and spend the rest of the night binge-watching the Korean Series The boys over Flowers.

"What am I missing guys?" Kiara spoke grabbing a chair and sitting down for breakfast.

"hahah, did you hear this joke? 

A husband takes a photograph of his wife and then declares himself to be a "WILD-LIFE" Photographer!!! 

hhahahahah, funny isn't it?" Shona was reading from her phone and started laughing hysterically again.

She was soon joined by Kiara and Rita, laughing their hearts out. A quick meal with her mains and Kiara hopped on to her office. She had promised herself to give her best despite the odds that may come her way especially, The Handsome Chairman.

She was intrigued by his job proposal and curious to know what made Mr Stranger offer her the job. Betwixt those thoughts, she reached her office before 15 minutes as she didn't want to repeat whatever happened yesterday.

She got her first not-so-welcoming smile or rather a frown from her newly-made-enemy- Bicker. How could someone name a dog and even address it like a real person? 

She forced a smile and quickly went inside the elevator without even glancing back at him.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, she heard a female shriek "Wait Wait Wait"

Out of reflex, Kiara held the door open to let the person in.

A pregnant lady probably in her twenties, tried to reach the elevator sprinting hurriedly towards it.

"Mam, don't hurry. Easy there, I am holding the elevator for you. You may trip." Kiara said out of concern.

Her advice led that lady in taking baby steps. She was heaving profusely as she was nearing the elevator.

When the elevator door started closing, she humbled quick thanks to Kiara and started searching for something inside her bag.

The elevator opened again before closure, revealing the Handsomely Arrogant God himself. He looked ravishing with his subtle smile and in what she supposed to be an Armani Suit.

Rich Arrogant Stranger.

With a smile, he entered the elevator and hugged the pregnant lady. Kiara was keenly watching the scene which unfolded in front of her. The elevator door closed and Kiara entered her floor number 23rd, the topmost floor.

''How are you Di? What made you come here? You should have told me whatever it was. You are on your maternity leave, remember?" Aryan continued blabbering but was put shut by the lady.

"A, Relax Dude, I am not sick. I am pregnant and for your information, I can talk, walk, eat, work freely. You are overreacting, stop being so overprotective all of you. At home, Adi and my in-laws and here you all, hasshhh where should I go? I have no-one whom I can call mine", she mimed tears.

"Overacting ki dukaan", Aryan chuckled and glanced at Kiara who was smiling as well. She stopped when his eyes met hers. Their silent moment was broken by Aryan's sister.

"Hey, hi Ria here. Don't mind my overprotective stupid brother and thanks for helping me out. Do you work here? ", she asked Kiara with a beaming smile. They both looked so similar and their smiles were so much alike.

"I... oh.. yeah...", Kiara tried to speak but her voice wouldn't come out. She is a friendly person but Aryan made her shiver from his daunting and amused look.

"She is no one that matters Di, although thanks for helping my di out," he spoke to Kiara and then quickly left the elevator with Ria.

Kiara felt hurt, she had never been let down by anyone. Why was he so cold with her only? What did she do to welcome his wrath?

"See you around ...", Ria mumbled with a frown.

"Kiara, see you Ria", Kiara waved and went to the reception desk to ask for her work details as it was her first day.

Kiara remembered why she was here? 

She would give no one the power to hurt her or let her down. She knew how to deal with shackles and obstacles, she had to bring back that old fearless Kiara back, she had to win herself back.

With a deep breath and a bite of milky-bar, she took a step closer towards her old-self, Bold, Fearless and Confident Kiara.

With a deep breath and a bite of milky-bar, she took a step closer towards her old-self, Bold, Fearless and Confident Kiara

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