Oh! You!

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Immediately straightening herself, she stood at an arm's length from a confused, angry, and hurt Aryan. How could he adorn so many emotions at a single time and still look devilishly handsome? 

His nerves! After being MIA for almost a month, he had the audacity to make her feel disoriented. Kiara mentally cursed herself. Her rage grew as she witnessed those so-called-thousand-emotions replaced with a smirk.

'Who is Aman? And what are you doing here at this hour?', Aryan said while strapping his watch. He did that a lot. Like he was anxious. Impatient. Stop observing him, Kiara!

'He works here, remember. And this is my office too, so I can come anytime. My rules, my life.', Kiara said menacingly. She was upset with him, He left without a word the other day and it's been three weeks and he turns up to hope everything is normal. No Aryan, you've messed with the wrong girl.

'Ah, I see.', Aryan grins slyly. 'Since you insist I shall ask you to remember who owns this place. And the owner wants to know, what's happening here at this hour.' Aryan scrutinises the surrounding looking around as if to check whether they've been doing any illegal activity. Not that he doubted her but he wanted to be on the safe side.

'Hello, Sir. Good Morning, Sir.' Aman came and stood besides Kiara rubbing his eyes. He actually slept. Ahh, this man!

Aryan gave a curt nod.

'We were almost getting ready for the office. I shall resume my work after I have something strong to drink.' Aman said and ran away before Aryan could ask any more questions.

Kiara felt betrayed! How could that sacredly lazy ass just run away like someone put fire on his trousers. How was she going to do it alone with only an hour and his arrogant boss still standing waiting for an answer. She had two options - Drop the entire plan and run like Aman and forget how happy Ria would be once she witnesses the surprise. Second - Tell this selfish jerk about her plans and wait for him to laugh at her more.

Second was painful but she had to do what she had to do. To see that smile on Ria's face, Kiara was ready to let go off her ego and talk to him. Convince him maybe to not laugh and mind his own business. So, she can continue hers.

'Well, it's Ria's birthday today..'

'Oh freak, O No No No. Is it 7th August?' Aryan panicked.

Kiara nodded.

'How can I forget the date? She is going to kill me for not wishing her at midnight. A angry pregnant woman is not a sight I would like to witness this beautiful morning,' sighed Aryan while grabbing a chair to compose himself.

'Weren't you home last night?' Kiara enquired because she couldn't resist asking. She felt a bit bad despite her anger to see Aryan so flustered. She wanted to do something to wipe it off his face. Maybe, a topic change.

'I haven't been home since three weeks, since we last..', he trailed off. He was searching for something on her face, hope, acceptance but Kiara wasn't going to let it slide easily this time. It was high time people realised that she was not someone who you leave and come back to, anytime.

'Oh that day when you left without a formal goodbye, oh now I remember. Well, we had an epic time since you weren't there, thanks for leaving early and giving us space,' Kiara couldn't control her mouth. She wasn't this cruel, no cross that, she wouldn't even kill a mosquito. But, today his presence here, his chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, neat and crisp blue formal shirt with its sleeves rolled up, fitting trousers and a black tie, she couldn't stop gawking and feeling angry on herself for the same.

'Someone is angry, I can hear siren bells all over the place,' Aryan looked amused at her words, 'Do I need to call the Fire Brigade, just in case.' He quipped showing his signature smirk with a sly smile.

'Hmph' Kiara fumed and just as she turned she bumped hard into a office chair. ' Ouch, aaaa' she had successfully injured her right toe by accidentally walking through it. How very clumsy, Kiara!

Without a second thought, Aryan jumped up from his chair and made Kiara sit where he was seated and accessed her toe. He ran to the office pantry and brought her an ice pack. 

'Just put it on your toe and it'll be alright.'

'Ouch, my nail. It's coming off. ouch ouch ouch.'

'Let me just cut it so it wouldn't hurt you.'

'No! Today is Saturday.'

'Yes, last time I checked, it was Saturday.So, what?'

'I don't cut my nails on Saturdays. Mumma says it's highly inauspicious to do so.'

'But, Aunty didn't say that if it pains and red blood starts to make its entry, you should still preserve it. Your toe needs medication right now otherwise it would get swollen. And no one is gonna keep that nail in the museum, for your information .'

'So very rude of you. I don't need your help. Just go away. I'll aid it myself and I have a surprise to arrange. She'll be coming in an hour. Just Shoo!'

'I'm not going anywhere until you pull that out. It's gonna cause you an infection Kiara.'

Kiara blushed despite being angry. Her name sounded so melodic. She could listen to him all day just chanting it. But, she had things to do and places to be.

'Since, it's the need I think Mumma won't mind. Let me quickly get done with it.' 

After many oohs and ahas, Kiara finally cleaned her wound and got back to working with one limping leg. Aryan couldn't help but smiled. He was in awe of this girl who was limping and working for a surprise and that to for his sister. He couldn't stop smiling. 

'Laugh all you want, but Ria is gonna love it.' Kiara spoke while dangling some confetti and balloons. 

'I love it, already.' Aryan muttered under his breath.


Hello People! It's been long. I hope you like this chapter. 

My next upload would be on next Wednesday that is 1st May, till then bye bye take care and do shower some love here.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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