You're my saviour!

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Kiara was just about to start her car when she heard a loud shriek  Worried, she looked for the founder of the voice and saw Ria whimpering in pain holding her stomach in the parking lot.

She quickly unbuckled herself from her car and sprinted towards her. 

'What's wrong Ria? Why are you crying? Did your water broke?'

'Ouchhhh, aaaaa.....'

'Tell me at least what should I do?'

'Call my brother immediately! Now', Ria told handling her phone to Kiara.

She quickly dialled his number and on the first ring itself, it got picked up. She was his utmost priority, Kiara guessed.

'Hello, Di!'

'Hey, I am Kiara..'

'Where is she? What are you doing with her phone? Didn't I tell you to get lost?..'

'Stop! Enough. Ria needs you now, come immediately at the parking lot Aryan.'

'Shit!' and the call got disconnected.

In no more than 5 minutes, Aryan along with Aman was found jogging towards Kiara and Ria. Aryan bend down and took Ria in his arms.

'What happened Di? I have called an ambulance already! Don't panic, I am here with you.'

Meanwhile, Aman and Kiara were simply watching the scene in front of them and Ria was lying in Aryan's arms with her eyes closed.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and started laughing hysterically and steadied herself to sit in a comfortable position.

'Why are you laughing?', Aryan asked while gritting his teeth. 'Isn't this real?'

'No it ain't A.' she winked at Aman.

Aman started laughing as well which earned him a confused look from Aryan and Kiara.

'What the hell is going on? Will somebody explain?' Aryan fumed.

'Why did you fire Kiara without listening to her? Tell me!' asked Ria. 

'That's nothing for you to worry.' Aryan turned to face Kiara, 'Is this your doing? Do you manipulate people to believe in you? I don't believe girls like you can stoop down to such level. I ...

'Enough, Mr Aryan! Enough! You have crossed your limits this time. You have no right to belittle me or point at my character. It reflects yours, your narrow thinking and lack of humility. First of all, I am no employee of yours and second I am glad I didn't work with you else I would have lost my sanity like you did with yours.'

'How dare you?'

'A! Don't fight for my sake. Kiara was helping me out since I collapsed in the ladies restroom. As soon as she checked I am alright, she straightaway went to the cafeteria to buy your hot chocolate. Grow up A! Nobody fires for refreshment.', Ria told.

'Kiara, you need not go, you're staying.', Ria took Kiara's hand and pacified her.

'Sorry, Ria! I can't. I cannot lose my self-respect again. I came here to prove something to myself, I cannot let myself down. I better leave. Bye Ria, thanks Aryan for this wonderful experience.', Kiara started walking towards her car.

She knew she had lost an amazing opportunity for a douche bag, but she would find another one. Just as she was about to get into her car, someone held her hand firmly.


As she saw him, he had a wave of guilt in his eyes and his entire demeanour was cool and composed.

'What Aryan?'

'Don't go!'

'Why? So that you fire me again for a stupid hot chocolate?'

'Thanks for everything you did for Di. I take back my harsh words, you're hired, Miss Kiara Shah.'

'That was my human instinct which is nowhere visible in you and thanks but I reject this offer. '

'Don't go Kiara! You deserve to be here and you're my saviour!' Ria requested Kiara.

'I have never found these two billionaires having the words thanks, request, and whatnot in their vocabulary. They're ruthless entrepreneurs Kiara, you got to be lucky.', Aman made his appearance after hours of silent treatment (okay! I am exaggerating).

'Kiara! In my office now!', Aryan chuckled and left with Aman.

'Yes Sir!', replied Kiara while hugging Ria.

'I haven't seen this side of A since.., anyways welcome back girl! Let's get back to work now.'

'Sure.' Kiara was ecstatic, she was wondering what Ria wanted to say. Was Aryan any different than he is today? Was he the same person she met that night as his name was A as well? Was it a wise decision to stay back? Did she feel something for Aryan?

Whatever happens, happens for good. Kiara always believed that good things do not come wrapped neatly in a gift box with a name tag, they come when you're least expecting them in strange ways.

Smiling she marched her way towards her workstation. Just as she reached the reception, Ria made her way to Aryan's cabin while Kiara straightaway went to her workstation.

She found one same color sticky note with the same handwriting on it. It made her smile. She took it and caressed the letter while examining his writing. His words 'Don't go' echoed in her mind.

It had so much depth, so much more than just words. Those simple words had an extra large effect on her. These little things made her crave to know him more, just a little more.

 These little things made her crave to know him more, just a little more

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Love in the time of HeartbreakNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ