Ray of Hope

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After grabbing his burger, she went towards his workspace. He was working on his Mac PC when she saw him, looking breathtaking in his wet look with messy hair and a subtle signature smirk on his face. He had worn a plain white shirt with black trousers and sleeves were rolled till elbow, showing his toned muscles. How does he get time to maintain those abs? thought Kiara.

"Ahem Ahem, are you done swooning Miss Klutz?" Aryan smirked.

"Of course Not!" blushed Kiara.

"Do you want more then?" Aryan asked raising his eyebrows.

Quickly registering what she said, "Oooo no no no no no, I didn't mean to say that."

"I am known for finding hidden meanings, Kiara."

The way he uttered that name K-I-A-R-A made her turn another shade of red. Nobody made her feel this way.

"I really didn't mean that Sir. Anyways, here is your lunch have it." Kiara offered him the food packet she was carrying.

"I am not hungry and besides who told you to bring me lunch? I am not paying for it, got it."

"Ahhh! Your dearest sister asked me to make you eat it and yes, consider this a treat from my end."

"Ohh Di! But, still I don't feel like eating and let's get back to work, we have deadlines to meet."

"I am not moving before you eat."

"It's my order, Kiara, bring your diary and note down the points for the report which we would need to present to our leads," Aryan told her authoritatively.

"I said I am not moving. Consider me as a pole and you can go on working."

"I didn't know poles could talk annoying things."

"I didn't know humans can work this much for they can avoid meals. It rhymed." Kiara clapped enthusiastically and patted herself on the back.

Amused, Aryan stifled a laugh and composed himself.

"If you wish you could stand there for the entire day and work, but I don't have time to eat."

"As you say, Mr Arrogant. I am not someone who loses so easily."

"You asked for it. Take this diary and draft me the report."

"Ahhhh, okay I will." Kiara mentally cursed herself for boasting so much and prayed internally that Mr Self Conceited Arrogant Aryan let her sit and complete the work.

As if Aryan understood her inner plight, he mocked, "Anyways, I am not going to have that, you can sit if you want and complete that draft."

"No ways, you need to have something, I cannot work under a starved boss who can burst anytime."

"You wish, Miss Kiara. Start working now."

After wishful cursing, Kiara grabbed the pen and diary and started jotting down the points mandatory for the report as Aryan was dictating it to her. 

An hour passed and Kiara was still on her feet and Aryan at his laptop working furiously. Something distracted him, it was Kiara balancing herself to stand still. 

She was literally trying her best to stand but her feet were against her mind. Just as she was about to collapse, Aryan caught her. She tried to avoid falling by grabbing her shirt and he meanwhile had one hand on her waist from the back and other holding her right hand. She had her eyes closed with fear clearly evident on her face. 

"You are okay." Aryan coughed. 

"Am I?" She slowly opened her eyes registering the situation. His eyes held her captive, so innocent and pure.

"You eyes are beautiful Aryan."

"Excuse Me?" Aryan looked surprised by her sudden compliment.

"You have beautiful eyes, they tell so many stories untold, unheard." Kiara went on, "you wish to escape from the world due to something bad which happened to you, yet your eyes speak volumes about your innocence and naivety. You wish to be loved again, cared and pampered again. You wish to feel special...

"ENOUGH. GET OUT!" Aryan held her straight and shouted loudly.

"I amm  sorryyyy.... " Kiara replied feebly.

"No more words again from that filthy mouth of yours Miss Kiara Shah. I said OUT." Aryan went over to the window while facing his back towards her. He didn't want anybody to get into that space again. He didn't want anybody to enter and leave without his permission, this time he wanted to be in control.

With teary eyes, Kiara ran towards the washroom. There was something wrong with him and for some reason, she was determined to mend his broken heart. 

She was crying but not for his harsh words but she saw herself in him, she saw the same pain she felt when her first love broke her apart. She wanted to be there for him as her friends were there.

Splashing water on her face and courage in her attitude, she promised herself to let Aryan out of that pain slowly, at his own pace. She would never ever see a person going through the same inner turmoil, she would be his friend, his caretaker, his ray of hope...

Love in the time of Heartbreakحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن