Selected! No way

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To say, Kiara was anxious would be an understatement.

She was on the verge of an emotional combined with a mental breakdown.

This was the longest for an interview of Copywriter - two hours. Yes, that's the time she was in Aryan's cabin for the post where every other question was asked apart from her copywriting experience.

His questionnaire was a little bizarre.

Like who would ask the colour of Guard's shoes who has his duty at their main gate?

His other absurd questions included:

How many steps did you climb while coming upstairs?

What was the painting on the front porch about?

How many vases had fresh flowers in there?

Did the coffee machine have enough beans to last for the day?

How many magazines have the company subscribed to?

What was the headline on the fifth page of Times of India?

Kiara, mentally exhausted dodged a few, gave vague answers to some and finally gave in.

Accepting her defeat, she sighed, "If you want me to leave this interview, tell me. Don't play such games. I already apologized to you."

"Come Again, Miss Klutz?" he spoke a bit loudly.

"I said I am sorry. Stop punishing and demoralizing me, Mr Aryan Khandelwal. You have no right to lower my self-esteem." she said in an authoritative tone.

"You called for it. You are in an interview, you should have come prepared. I don't like wasting my time in people, they can do whatever they wish. The only thing I am concerned about is my company, I cannot let anyone join this especially when they are the least observant and such clumsy ones. " he stated in loud voice to make his point clear.

"and yes, you could have used this pretty brain of yours in knowing this place rather than hyperventilating, as you do most of the time " he smirked while leaning on his leather chair.

"Who asks such weird questions?

Who lets's lose their dogs out there in public place?

Who takes this much time just to reject the person being interviewed?

Who humiliates people like that?" she was choking on her words, a bit worried about the consequences.

Why would she stay calm after such a bad day? How could she think about liking him? All guys are the same, Selfish Idiots!

"Everything in Life has a purpose, Kiara, a reason. You may not realize it today but some time later you will." Kiara blushed after hearing her name, it sounded heavenly.

Focus Kiara, Focus!

"I am not interested in these talks of yours, as I have wasted plenty of your time already, I am leaving

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"I am not interested in these talks of yours, as I have wasted plenty of your time already, I am leaving." she got up from her chair and started walking towards the door.

"You are hired", he said calmly.

She stopped on her track and turned "Really?"

"Meet Leena my secretary on the way and complete the procedures today and you can join from tomorrow. And yes, you are welcome." he busied himself in his cell phone.

Maybe he was talking to one of her crushes or sending latest news update to his fellow friends that he hired a dumb girl, Kiara thought.

"What?" she asked with an unreadable expression.

"I do not like to repeat myself, understand!" he stated firmly.

"But, how and Why?", she exclaimed.

"You'll get to know it someday Miss Klutz. Now, can you please excuse me?" he said pointing towards the door.

"Of course" she exited excitedly with a question lingering at the back of her mind, how did she get selected.

"and suddenly you just know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings"

- Meister Eckhart

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