Drunken Memories

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Aryan almost gave up. He couldn't handle Kiara running around in his cabin. He had never seen a girl drunk and that was the reason he was clueless about what to do.

Kiara stopped suddenly near his desk. Aryan was standing just beside her contemplating her next move. Kiara shooted one hand up in the air and with the other she went to clean the desk trying to get things out of her way. Just when she was on her cleanliness streak, Aryan put his arms around her waist grabbing her from behind and took her away.

'Whoaaaa, not there Drunken Lady...

'But that's my stage, I want to dance and show the world that I can dance...

'Shut up already Kiara.' Aryan dragged her towards the couch and made her sit on it.

Kiara made an attempt to stand but was pushed back by flustered Aryan.

Aryan was mentally calculating the risk of calling Vinay to tell about her inebriated daughter. But his terror kept him from calling him. He thought of a brilliant idea. Food can lower the effect of alcohol. He bent down facing Kiara until he was at her eye level.

'What do you like to eat?'

'I loveeeeee noodlessss and paneer chilly and Mexican rice and choco lava and dark chocolate shake and...

'Idiot!' Aryan interrupted. She had a huge appetite, he thought. He took out his phone and asked someone to order everything she said. He sighed and sat on the floor with his back touching the couch beside Kiara who was laughing uncontrollably while resting her head on the couch arm.

'You know what I never had an alcoholic drink before.' she giggled and extended her hand towards Aryan's hairs. She internally felt a need to touch and caress them.

'and I never handled a drunk girl before.' Aryan told while leaning towards the couch and resting his head on its seat. He gave in to Kiara's touch and somehow felt at ease.

'hehehe your hairs are so soft. Do you use pink Sunsilk?' Kiara asked while stroking his hairs gently.

'Sunsilk? I don't use girlie shampoos Idiot.' Aryan grimaced.

'You are so cute and handsome and dashing and you are cuter when you get angry.' she ruffled his hairs making a puppy face.

Aryan was taken aback with her sudden show of emotions. Everybody speaks the truth when they are drunk, do they? Aryan couldn't comprehend what he should reply so he stayed mum and closed his eyes feeling and enjoying the strange satisfaction he got from Kiara's gestures. He liked it.

' I am sorry.'

Aryan suddenly opened his eyes as he felt something amiss in Kiara's voice. He turned and sat straight in front of a sobbing Kiara.

'I am sorry.' Kiara mumbled in between her sobs hiding herself behind her hands. Her legs were curled up to her stomach and her hairs were loose from running to and fro.

Aryan couldn't see her crying. He immediately got on his knees and gently took her both hands in his to look at her. ' look at me Kiara, what happened?' he asked with concern laced in his voice.

'I am sorry.' Kiara hiccupped.

Aryan quickly went to grab a glass of water for her. Kiara had meanwhile regained her crying posture,
she was crying rivers.

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