Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Danna's POV:

"You really gotta be kidding me, If they don't like each other because their mother gave more affection to Jason than Dimitri." I thought to myself as they were talking with each other in an angrily manor.

 I walked away  from them and started to kick the rocks that's near the lake roughly. I couldn't stop thinking about what the lightwoods said, "Danna that's just it you'r dad is a shadow hunter I new your dad we were very close but he died saving you and your moms life by demons who wanted to attack you "  I always thought my father died in a car accident because that's what my mother said. 

I wasn't paying attention to were i was walking because i than notice im not in the park no more im in front of java jones. My legs walked me here! That is so awesome.! Omg danna shut up! i thought to myself.

I walked inside and went to sit next to the guys. "Hey guys" I said to them. they all said "hey" and than got back to talking with each other i didnt mind because i had a headache. 

I hear the bell ring signaling someone entered the coffee shop i look up and i seen "Jace, Alec, Clary,  Izzy,  Tiera,  Maggie, Simon, Jason, and Dimitri" all entered together i got under the table and poked ryan's leg he looked under and said "Dannish why you under the table?" "Shhh Don't tell them im here" he nodded and looked away just in time for them all to come over to the table and ask "Hey guys have you seen Danna?" Jason asked "Nope havn't seen her" they all say in unision. 

"Oh okay if you see her can you tell her we need to speak to her?" "Yea sure." said Brandon. I saw they all left to go sit in a booth on the other side. i got out from under the table grabbed my bag and jacket and ran.

I heard the chairs moving back so im pretty sure they saw me. "DANNA GET BACK HERE!" they yelled. but i couldn't i didnt wanna be apart of it so i ran and ran and ran. i didnt hear their shoes anymore so im pretty sure i lost them. 

Before i know it my legs brought me to the one person who know's me best "Ashton" Me and him have known each other for as long as i can remember. When my mom went to work she would drop me off here. His mom is like my second mom. I knocked and waited i heard someone by the door and someone opening it. It was his mom, "Hey Mrs. Roth im here to see Ash, is he here?" "Ah yes honey his up in his room its nice to see you, you havnt been comeing a lot lately we need to catch up" "Yea im sorry, but i promise i'll come over more offten i miss your cooking." 

"Well ash is up in his room you can go right up" "Okay thanks" i ran up the stairs and went to his door and bardged in. but i think i should have knocked i might have been scarred for life. I saw Ash and Gabby in a full out make out session. But didnt she say she went some were because something about her family? "Ah hey guys um well this is awkward i'll go" i said really fast and bolted but before i made it all they way down i heard "DANNA WAIT!" 

I've heard my name yelled to much today. I ran down the stairs and said a quick Bye to Mrs. Roth and ran out the door. I had no were to go because they would all just go to my house or the institute and well i have no were.

I started to walk along the sidewalk. it was allready dark outside and the only lights i had was the moon and the street lights. 

I couldn't think of any were to go untill i came to this one house that i have been too quite a lot. I walked to the door and knocked. He answered and i know he would because he lives alone always have. He opened the door a little more and i walked in. 

We went up to his bedroom and Jay asked me "danna whats wrong why arn't you home with mom?" Jay is my older brother he didnt wanna live with my mom or dad so when he was 15 he moved out. "Found out what i am.." "Danna you know we couldnt have told you any sooner." "But jay why know just when life was getting good." "Im sorry" "Its cool can we go to sleep Jay u've been walking all night and running" "okay" we got into his bed him on one side and me on the other"

"Good night Jay" 

"Good night Danna"

that was the last thing i heard before sleep took over me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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