Chapter 12

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Clary's POV

I sat in the institute library on the couch reading "City Of Bones" (A/N see what I did their ;) ) I was sitting their for a while reading the book I was about to finish it but I heard foot steps from the library doors.I look up and I see it was my older Brother Jonathan stood at the doors with a huge smile on his face.

I got of the couch and ran to him he picked me up and spinned me around and said "I've missed you so much Clare-bear" "I missed you to you left to London and I never heard of you again" "I know and im sorry I just couldn't" "Okay well how are you" "Im good and your self" "Im good but umm you know its everyday life you find out your a demon hunting bad ass and your mother erased all of your memory of the shadow world" "Yeah yeah I know im sorry" "Its not your fault but I want you to meet my friends and boyfriend" "Um BOYFRIEND!" "Yeah I met him the 1 and half years ago when I found out I was a shadow hunter" "Okay well I better meet this boy and if he hurts you I swear on the angel-" I didn't let him finish cause I said " he wont " "He better now lets go home quickly I wanna get settled" "Fine"

we walk out of the institute and hail a cab.I told the cab the address and we went to our house we got home 10 minutes later at lukes house and I payed the cab driver and got out.Jon was behind me I walked in side yelling "MOM,LUKE JON"S HOME GET DOWN STAIR!" I yelled I hear my mom running down the stairs. "Jon hunny your home im so happy" "Hey mom I missed you" "I missed you to hunny welcome home" jon looked behind mom and saw luke "Hey luke how ya been" "I've been good you self " "I've been good now weres my room my luggage is really heavy"

"Oh clary dear please take your brother to his room" Said my mom "Okay mom" I said I walked up the stairs not bothering to look back because I already sensed jon fallowing me. We got to his room I walked in and said,

"Home sweet home but you start school tomorrow right?" I asked "Yeah whats our school called again?" its called "Brooklyn high" "Okay" "get settled in if you need me my rooms across the hall when your done I can show you to my friends" "Okay sounds great" he said I walked out of his room and walked into my room and laid down on my bed and put my beats on and started to listen to music.

I don't know how much time passed when I heard a nock at the door.I got off my bed and opened my door jon stood their "Yea" I said "You said to come to you when im done so I did now lets go meet your friends and your uh boy -boyfri -boyfriend" said jon "haha jon its okay my boyfriends name is Jace Christopher herondale" "Oh very much like my name" "Yeah I know just let me put my shoes on" I said he walked in my room and sat on my bed I went to my closet and took my combat boots out and put them on.

He got off my bed and we walked down stairs. "BYE MOM ME AND JON ARE GOING TO MEET WITH MY FRIENDS!!!!" I yelled "OKAY!" she said back we walked out of the house and walked down the sidewalk.

we reached taki's and walked in.I looked around for a bit before I finally saw all of them in the booth by the windows I took jon by his arm and took him to my friends. "HEYYY CLARYY" said magnus.I giggled and say "hey guys I want you to meet my older brother Jon" "HEY!" they all said at the same time.

me and jon sat down at the table.Jon was having a talk with jace witch I thought was really funny and I was having a conversation with izzy and simon while magnus and alec talked."So I said, what should we all do tomorrow after school?"  "Well I was thinking we can all go to the park and hang out in the meadow and spar." said Alec "Ohh that sound fun were doing it " said izzy

"Jonathan you are trained right?" said jace "Yeah I was in the London institute" "Oh so you wanna spar tomorrow?" said jace "Sure" said jon.

We all talked about jon's past.We finally left Taki's and went to the institute.I called my mom and told her I was staying the night at izzy's with Jon and she didn't mind. we all were in the library sitting in a circle just talking to each other around 12 we all fell asleep in the library.

Jace's POV:

I woke up around 7 the next morning.I looked around and noticed we have all fallen asleep on the library I decided to go take a shower but before I left I woke everyone up because we had school in 2 hours and knowing all of them they took hours to get dressed.When they all woke up clary went to izzys room to get dressed and the guys went to mine or alecs room we all took showers and got dressed.

I got out of the shower and put on blue jeans combat boots and a blue t-shirt and lastly my combat boots I went down the elevator and went to the the instatute doors and noticed everyone already their talking to each other.Clary looked good like always in a sweater and jeans and he combat boots.alec looked up and said "Took you long enough now lets go before were late" "Okay lets go"" I said.

We walked out the institute and headed towards the school we walked in our usual group jon was talking with Clary and I was talking with alec and simon and izzy were talking magnus was talking with izzy also about a new outfit or something I really didn't care.

We go to the school and we all went inside in our usual group we all went to the office so jon can get his things I waited outside with alec izzy simon and magnus talking.When they finally got out of the office we all headed to our lockers I walked clarys to her's and simon and izzy took jon to his cause their next to each others locker.


we all walked towards the park so we can spar it took a while because the park was farther then the school so it took half an hour mostly because we stopped at star bucks and got coffees.

we got to the meadow and we took our weapons out and we all began to  spar against each other simon just sat on the floor watching us because he a blood sucker and magnus sat next to him and they just talked and looked at us so they doesn't need to fight.I spared with jon it was actually fun.

izzy and clary spared and then alec and jon

That whole after noon went by us sparing and switching partners.When we got done we all decided to stay here and relax.

We then all walked clary and jon home and then we left back to the institute.I Jace herondale had a lot of fun today but im not going to admit it.







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