Chapter 11

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(A/N, Sorry guys I didn't update on Saturday I wasn't in the greatest mood but today I am I didn't go to school because I was really tired and I had a headache but im going tomorrow sadly but Todays Monday TEEN WOLF and so Here's the update OH and thank you so much to everyone who is reading my story.When I finally had the courage to show  my friends and they told me they loved it so im hopeing everyone else loves it to.. -ANONYMOUS- )

Jace's POV:

I woke up before clary,so I got out of bed really careful so I wouldn't wake up Clary.I headed to the Bathroom took a shower got dressed in Blue jeans My combat boots and A while t-Shirt and then I put on my Leather jacket I got my two Seraph blades,You don't know I could get attached and put glamour on them so no mundane could see them I then left my room Clary still sleeping and went out the institute doors and left to go to Java Jones were I know gabby's going to be because todays Sunday and every Sunday morning Gabby's their watching Simons friend Eric do poetry.

When I enter Java Jones I look around trying to find out were gabby would be sitting I finally spot her in the far corner doing her homework or something.i walk up to her table with my angry face on.i reach her table and she looks up to me.

Gabby: Hey jace whats up

Jace: don't whats up me you disobeyed my trust!

Gabby: What are you talking about?

Jace: You told Clary that I had feelings for danna!

Gabby: Well I had to I didn't want her getting hurt if she found out by some one different.

Jace: that's not why you told her I know you

Gabby: fine I told her because I was JEALOUS!!!


Gabby: of you I liked you since we met when we were 8 I always have and then 1 and half years ago you met her in a club and fell head over heels for her and now you like danna my bestfriend you never liked me!

Jace: im sorry I didn't know

Gabby: of course you didn't but what ever just leave me alone im out of here.

she packed up her things and then left java jones she went right so I went left I was walking by an ally when my sensor went off crazy I walked into the ally taking my seraph blade out an whispering/yelling "ITHURIAL" I then see that its the spider demon Kuri large and shiny black with eight pincertipped arms and fangs extending from their eye sockets.Its just standing their staring at the sky,I think this demon is so STUPID! I Jump up and land on The kuri's back (A/N IN COA IT TELLS US JACE HAS THE ABILITY TO JUMP HIGH CAUSE OF THE ANGEL BLOOD IN HIM) I take my seraph blade out and plunge it in the Kuri's head but it didn't die.Next thing I know im being slammed on to the concrete floor with a thud.I get back up trying to remember what hodge taught us about the kuri's weakness.I then remembered hodge saying it heart is its weakness.

I then jumped up again and this time plunged the seraph blade in to the kuri's heart.If then fell to the floor and started folding on its self not long after it finally went back to its dimension.i then wiped my seraph blade on my leather jacket from the demon blood and then put it back to were I had it before I then walked back to the institute.

I entered the institute and then the next thing I know is everything went black all I felt is a burning sensation and someone saying my name then I couldn't hear or see nothing else.

I woke up in the infirmary I put my self in a sitting position and looked around I then notice a read head sleeping on the chair I already new it was clary.

"Clary" "clary wake up" "CLARYYYY WAKE UP" I said

"God damn jace Are you okay" "Yeah I wanna know why im in here" "well three days ago alec found you in front of the institute doors unconscious and he put a heeling rune on you but it wouldn't work so we called magnus to help us and he came and worked his magic on you.You went unconscious because of the kuri bight you had on your arm" "W-What three days?" "yeah" "Oh okay" "okay how do you feel" "I feel really good" "Okay hungry thirsty anything" "Um hungry" "Okay wanna go to Taki's" "Of course im starving" I said "Okay ima go tell everyone" "Okay ima go shower" "Okay" Clary said walking out of the infirmary.

I then walked out and went to my room to go take a shower.I used my shampoo and conditioner and then cleaned my body I still had demon guts on me so I had to scrub really good.

20 minutes later I walk out of the bathroom and get dressed I put on Black jeans White t-Shirt my leather jacket and my combat boots I then put on my gear and head down stairs I first put glamour on my gear so It wouldn't show.

I walk down the stairs and see that everyones already their in their gear and waiting for me I finally get to them and say "Come on im starving" "Yeah we now you've been out three days" "Yeah" "How ya feel" said Simon "Good bloodsucker but I don't wanna talk about it now" "okay I hate when you call me that" "I know that's why I do it."

We walk out of the institute and me and clary are in the front.

then, Izzy and simon then Jason and danna behind them alec and magnus next to them was maia and Jordan then was gabby and Maurice ryan and sasha Brandon on his phone.we all then walk down the sidewalk and talk with our partner.We then reach Taki's we open the door and Im the one who notices an other shadow hunter sitting at our booth and of course it was Tiera she only came when It was a big fight or a message.

We get to our booth and Izzys the one who talks first

What are you doing here Tiera?" "Well I just was around and I was pretty hungry" "Bull" I said "fine fine fine I came to talk to the shadowhunters and downworlders about something important.

Okay then speak tiera" said Clary "ah ah ah  no mundanes" "Fine lets go outside" "guys stay here we'll be back we have some things to talk about with our dead friend tiera" said Alec "Okay" said Jason.

Clarys POV:

We went outside to the ally and thank gawd their was no demons around I wasn't in the mood to fight now.

"Okay tiera speak" I said "well first I wanted to say hey hows things going havnt seen you guys since the war with Valentine." "Good and now shutup and tell us the real thing" "Fine I was being polite" Tiera said with a smirk on her face. "Okay well I wanted to tell you guys that Clary's dear big brother Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern has returned back from London and wants to see his dear young sister" (A/N yes Jonathan is good in my story) "Okay well were is he" said clary "He's at idris right now he will be in newyork in 2 weeks" said Tiera "Oh wow im so happy I havnt seen my big brother since he left to London 4 years ago" said clary "well he's really excited to see you to clary" "Okay well that's really good news anything else tiera" said alec "um let me think um no,but I would wanna stay with you guys at taki's so eat im pretty hungry." said tiera "Okay you can stay" I said.

We then all walked back into taki's and sat down with our friends......



yours truly


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