Chapter 5

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When Magnus arrived  he worked on Clary for 5 hours.He worked all of his magic on her and she finally woke up.

clary sat up and saw jace sleeping on the chair right next to her with his gold eyes and Gold hair."Jace" She practically Whispered "Jace,Jace JACEEEE!!!!!" Clary yelled "W-What whats happening? Are you ok? Whats wrong ?" Jace kept asking "Nothing I just woke up and I wanted to ask how long ive been out" "About a day in a half" Said Jace" oh "What Day is it" said Clary "Its sunday" "Oh so Tomorrow we have School" Yeah but you don't have to go babe" Said jace "No its okay I wanna go" Said Clary "Oh and what time it is" said Clary "umm *jace checking his watch* its 7:43" "They went to Takis they were hungry" "Can we go im really hungry?" "Yeah lets see if you can walk first" "Okay *slides off the bed and stands*" "Okay clary now walk" "Okay *clary starts to walk* Im fine" "Okay now lets get you to your room and get you dressed" said jace.

Clary had only a sweater and underwear on "Well umm okay umm give me the blanket im cold" "Okay beautiful" *Walks to the bed and gets the blanket and gives it to clary* Okay lets go to my room.

They start to walk to clarys room.Walking down the corridor.They reach her room.Clary walks in and goes to the bathroom and takes a shower and jace just lays on her bed.After a 10 minutes shower clary gets out and heads to the room.she goes in her room and picks out an outfit she forgot jace was still on her bed.She then gets a a pink sweater and blue jeans.She then headed to the bathroom again and got changed. 5 minutes later she came out dressed and her hair in a messy bun.

she walks in the room still forgetting jace is on her bed. "Hey you ready" Clary jumped a little and remembered jace was in her room "Yeah come on im starving" "okay babe lets go"

They walk down the corridor talking to each other they reach the elevators and talk about how she feels and that he was sorry that he wasn't their to fight that demon.They then got out of the elevator and walked out of the institute and down the road to takis

10 minutes later they arrived at takis and jace opened the door for her.Clary saw that Gabby,Danna,Isabelle,Alec,Simon,And Maguns were in the both in the corner of the store laughing and talking but then It they all turned sad and had worried faces on.

They didn't notice that Clary and Jace came in takis.But Jace heard that they were now talking and asking if they think that Clary will be okay.

"Jace Jaceee you okay lets go over to them" "Okay come on" They walk over to the table and Izzy notices Clary. "CLARYYY" izzy stands up and gives Clary a huge hug

"Hey izzy wats up ive only been out 1 day" "ONE DAY!!" "What do you mean one day you mean 3 days" Izzy said "Well jace said ive been out 1 day" "I didn't wanna scare you to much like you always get" "Well okay Jace pulls up a chair and makes Clary sit on his lap.Izzy sits back down.Then they all start talking about how she feels and how their sorry and then Clary ordered some food.So she started to talk to gabby and Danna while the rest talk to each other.

"So tomorrow we go back to school uhh" Said Gabby "Yeah but at least will be with our 3 best guy friends and Maurice Ryan and Brandon we have 5 classes with them and then the rest we have with Jace izzy simon alec and Magnus so yeah be happy we have our friends so don't be so down" Said Danna "Well yeah but I hate the work but at least Gabby gets to be with her crush Brandon" Said Clary Laughing "I do not have a crush on him I just like to hang with him"  Mm Hmm" Said danna Laughing.

They then turn around and start talking to the rest of the group. 1 hour later they all finished and headed to the institute cause they were exhausted and they all have school tomorrow.

They got to the institute gabby and danna went home so they all went to their rooms Clary and jace went to jaces room like always and Izzy went with simon to hers and Magnus and alec went back to the Apartment in Brooklyn.



Hope you liked chapter 5 cause I had fun wrighting it xD

Comment like do whatever but I hope you liked it

Chapter 6 will be about Monday and them all going back to school and you guys get to know who MAURICE RYAN AND BRANDON are they will be in chapter 5

and if you guys didn't know they all are in 10th grade xD

yours truly


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