That Sutcliff

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"GRELL SUTCLIFF!" Your voice echoed throughout the manor, practically rattling the building. The body of said person visibly shook as he slowly turned around, only to be met with your burning glare.

"I-I'm so sorry, Miss Y/N!" He threw himself at your feet, "I-I-I-I tried t-to clean the w-woodwork! There was a spider in the cupboard! And I—!"

"So... you ripped off the cupboard door, smashed the plates and the dishes... and left... the cupboard... hanging on to the wall by... just ... one... nail?" You asked quietly, trying to wrap your head around everything.

Grell slowly looked up at you with a nervous smile, "uh... yes?"

You smiled back at him, surrounded by a malicious aura, and excused yourself out of the room and into the hall and closed your eyes, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten." You sighed with a smile and walked back into the room, "everything is okay, it's okay, it's fine, Y/N."
You opened your eyes, "Alright, Grell I— Oh."

"Miss Y/N, don't worry, I'm fixing this!" He proclaimed happily as he began to reattach the cupboard to the wall. Although, he was looking at you... and not the wall, or the nails.

With one swift motion he raised the hammer and swung it down onto the wall. Into the wall.

"AH!" He yelped, trying to get the hammer out, which was just creating a bigger hole. As he did so, the cupboard gave way and fell to the ground. "AH!"

You closed your eyes again, 'inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale...'

"Uh, M-Miss Y-Y/N?" Grell whimpered timidly.

Your eyes opened suddenly with a looks of murderous intent, "GRELL SUTCLIFF!"

You stumbled into the main sitting room on the edge of insanity, "I-I apologise for my tardiness..."

"Goodness, Y/N! What the devil is the matter?" Angelica, or Madame Red as she was now known as, exclaimed with concern.

"It's nothing, my lady," you grimaced, "Sebastian, I need to talk with you..."

"... Very well, please excuse me, my lord, my lady." He said as he followed you into the hall, "what is it?"

You gripped onto his arms as if you would fall if you let go and looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Sebastian, I can't cope with that... thing...!"

"With what? Grell?" He raised an eyebrow, "you've been with him for but twenty minutes."

"Look at me, Sebastian... it's been twenty minutes too long. I'm turning grey and I'm going insane... just please, help me out here."

There was a few seconds of silence until you felt Sebastian's arms shake. You looked at him and saw that he was trying to hold back his laughter. Your eyes narrowed. He snickered, "I just find it amusing that something from hell is having a hard time with something so petty."

"I've seen a lot of things, but that thing? That thing is just too much."

You let go of his arms with a look of defeat and a tad bit of embarrassment. Asking Sebastian for help? Oh, please.

After a moment, Sebastian gave you a closed-eyed smile, "I'm afraid all I can do is offer you my condolences and full support."

"Burn, Sebastian."

"AH! NOO! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! NO!" Grell screamed as he crashed into the sitting room with the tea on a tray. Mey-Rin, Bard and Finny were trying to follow what was happening until the tea pot and tea cups fell all over Finny. He screamed, "Hot, Hot, Hoooottt!"

I WILL PROTECT YOU~ Black Butler x Demon ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang