Episode 2

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This morning, you, Baldroy, Mey-rin and Finny were on the hunt for rats. However, not to your surprise, it wasn't going too well.

"Bloody hell, this wire's done for." Baldroy said, examining a chewed up wire.

"Oh, not the rats again." Mey-rin sighed.

"This is gettin' ridiculous. I mean I heard they'd been plaguin' London lately, but I never expected them to be such a problem this far out of the city."

"Personally, I find them cute." You grinned.

"Yeah but not when they've infested the place! I mean—"

Squeak. Squeak.


"Now I've got you, rat!" Finny exclaimed while simultaneously picking up one of the hall statues.


You sighed, knowing exactly what was going to happen but you couldn't be bothered to stop it. Just leave it to Sebastian.


"Looks like it got away." Said Finny sheepishly.

"No," you paused to hold up the rat you had caught between your fingers, "I got it."

"Wow! I didn't even see you move, he he." Finny chuckled while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"What are you laughin' for?" Yelled Baldroy, "Are you tryin' to kill us too, you idgit?"

"I think it's safe to say you're all idiots." You commented.

"Look! There is another one!"

"Catch it!"

You knocked on the door to the billiard room where the nobles were engaged in the game while rethinking your life choice to work with those three knuckleheads.


"I'm here to apologise about all the commotion out there. I do hope it isn't affecting you significantly." You said, putting on your best fake smile while observing everyone in the room.

How do they spend all day playing these games without dying of boredom? Were I'm from we just ruin each others lives. Now that's real entertainment.

"It seems you're experiencing a rat problem as well." The man who you know as Randall spoke. You nodded.

"Speaking of which, how long will you let the vermin run wild? Filthy monsters. Someone really ought to take care of them, don't you think?" Said a random guy with a sandwich.

"We're trying but those three aren't the most reliable." You admitted.

"Well someone will. He is just waiting for the opportune moment." Lau remarked.

"Indeed. He prefers to settle things with one blow. Will you pass on this turn too, Lord Phantomhive?" Affirmed Madame Red.

Is this just me or is this a little dramatic for catching some rats? They're just rats.

"I'll pass. It's my policy not to shoot if I know that I'll miss." Ciel rendered, smug as ever.

Randall spoke up again, "That's all very well, but when will you handle the problem?"

"Any time you like. The rats will come soon come looking for their forbidden cheese, and I hold the key to the storehouse."

"Tch." The totally no suspicious in any way, Azzurro Vanel subtly remarked after messing up his shot.

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