It's been a while

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A/N- hi guys! I'm back and I hit 200 reads :) thanks~

It had been half a year since the incident at the Phantomhive manor. You still hadn't found Ciel and the memories still haunted you. Quite ironic really.
Rain began to plummet to the ground as you silently wandered the streets of London, lost in thought. You hadn't stopped thinking about Ciel. What had happened to him? Is he alive? Is he in pain? Did he miss you? All these questions yet there were no answers. The vow you made to Vincent never left your mind either. You would finish what he summoned you to do and would protect his son; no matter what.

However, part of you felt like you failed him. You lost Ciel and had no clue where to start fulfilling Vincent's mission. Letting out a sigh, you stopped infront of an unfamiliar building. It had the words 'undertaker' inscribed on a purple sign hanging above the doorway. Nostalgia flew over you. You hadn't heard that name for a while. An eerie scent filled you nose. A reaper was nearby. One you knew all too well.
"So this is where you've been all these years..." you smiled to yourself. It had been too long.
Snow began to fall all around you. It got cold but you couldn't feel it. You couldn't feel anything anymore. A shell that is programmed to steal human souls and devour them. That's all you were. Nothing more, nothing less. You were, what some would call, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Manipulating your prey; bending them to your will. Of course, you had accepted this role. After all, it's what you were.

As you were walking, a strange man ran up to you. There was an insane look in his eyes as he laughed manically. His movements were almost non-human but you were certain he was in fact, human. He impaled you with a rusty dagger in your abdomen, his insane laugh grew louder. You, being a demon, did not react. At least not in the way he wanted you too. Your eyes turned fuchsia and a murderous glare painted your features. You were enraged. A human dares to try and kill you. This would be the biggest mistake of his life. Also, it would be the last.

Noticing your features, his laugh died down and fear consumed him. No human could possibly look the way you did at that moment.
"M-monster!" He yelled, panicked.
"Yes, I am a monster. But you," you paused to pin him against the wall, your hand constricted around his neck, "you are the one who is truly evil."
You effortlessly raised him off the ground and watched him choke in your grip. He began to trash around in a useless struggle to get out of your grasp. After a minute or two, his movements began to slow. His eyes rolled back into his skull as tears streamed down his face. Finally, he went limp. Now disinterested, you dropped him on the floor and your arm returned to your side.
"Yes," you repeated, "you were the one truly evil..."

As you were about to walk off, an unfamiliar man dropped down from a roof that was behind you. A scythe was clutched in his hands.
"Right then. Rodrick Baker. Died at 3:18am on Tuesday the 10th of December 1784. Cause of death," he now turned to face you and smirked, "messing with a demon."
You sent him a glare, "a grim reaper..."
He chuckled, "the legendary reaper."
Clicking your tongue, you flatly told him, "I don't care."
His chuckle grew into hysterical laughter. You didn't know what was so funny though. Though, this 'legendary' reaper interested you quite a bit.
"So, who exactly are you, reaper? What's your name?"
"My name?" He cocked his head playfully and snickered, "my dear, names are not important. But if you insist, I go by 'the undertaker'. I thought of it myself. Amazing, isn't it?"
You thought for a moment, "Undertaker? I'll admit, I like that name. It suits you."

While he continued to laugh, for no apparent reason, you had time to observe his features. He had grey tinged hair that was very long, for a male at least and he wore all black . You questioned how he could see, however. His hair covered his eyes. They were consumed by darkness. Wierd...
"Hey, Undertaker?"
He looked at you and hummed.
"How do you see? Your hair is in the way of your eyes, not to mention your hat, but you appear to see perfectly." It sounded stupid when you said it out loud. You mentally scolded yourself for saying such nonsense.
"Oh?" He began, "it's a secret..."
You walked up to him, "but you should really pin your hair back or something. You never know, it could play against you when battling."
"Pin it back? What an odd thing to say." He chuckled but abruptly stopped when he realised you had pulled his fringe back. Your eyes locked.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Snapping out of your daze, you realised what you just did. To be honest, he was quite attractive...
Why do all the weirdos have to be the attractive ones?
"U-um, I-I'm sorry!" You stuttered as you swiftly pulled his hair back over his eyes. As you moved away from him, you awkwardly cleared your throat and regained your composure.
"I apologise for my insensitive actions." You said.
Undertaker once again began to laugh, "no problem, my dear. We'll meet again. Very soon..." he spoke, particularly emphasising the word
"Oh, we will? Then I'll be looking forward to it." You walked away, giving him a slight smile and a wave.
Little did you know, you would meet with the Undertaker several more times while you were in the human world, and you would always grow to await his return.
Flashback end~~
As you remembered the first time the two of you met, you also began to wonder why he stopped randomly showing up for no reason whatsoever like how he used to.
"I wonder what crazy nonsense awaits me."
And with that, you opened the door. Well, tried to. It didn't take long until you realised the door was fake and made of paper. However, it was too late and you had already clumsily fallen into the uncanny looking room. Your eyes fell on an all too familiar looking face.

I WILL PROTECT YOU~ Black Butler x Demon ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora