Against the contract

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A/N- hello~ here's another one for you. ❄️ I like this emoji. It's pretty.

Was that what it was?
It's probably nothi-
Fire. It was spreading throughout the manor. Fast. Its crackling filled your ears as Dread filled your mind.

Quickly, you ran through the corridors of the manor. You notice paintings are charred, doors are practically nonexistent. There was nothing. It was all gone. Even ceilings began to burn away.

But one thing, one mantra, ran through your mind.


Running up the, now parched, stairs, you hastily sprint to where you last saw your Master last.
"Master!" You yelled, trying to open the door only to find that it was jammed, "why?! Just open!" You vigorously kicked the door open to find your master sitting in an armchair on the verge of death. 
"Y/N?" He coughed. You ran up to him.
"Just stay with me. I can't have you dying on me!" You panicked. He coughed again, "Y/N, this is it and you know it." Vincent paused for a moment, "eat my soul. Now."

You looked up at him in shock.
"Master? You're not serious. Y-you can't die. It's against the contract. I can't eat your soul until-"
"Y/N! It's an order! Eat my soul while you still can!" He choked. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you wouldn't let them. You returned to having an emotionless face to try and mask your feelings however your eyes couldn't disguise your grief.
"Y/N, one last request. Save my son. Protect him." He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. Bowing to him for the last time you complied, "I promise, master. I swear I will protect him."

You leant down infront of his face. Despite all the soot and burns on it, to you, it still looked beautiful...

You sighed morosely. Still holding back tears (you refused to show weakness to your master) you leaned into his face and tilted it with your index finger. Just as you were about to fulfil Vincent's request, he spoke.
"It's been a wild ride." He chuckled, "we had quite the time together and I'm grateful for everything you've done for me over the years. Thank you." He smiled weakly. 

"Master, I...I-" your buried your face in your hands as you began to dissolve into tears.
Why did you cry for him?

"Y/N, h-hurry up. Take it."

You nodded, knowing it was the right thing to do and looked up at him, tears streaming down your face.
"Honestly, master. Saying such things to a servant." You say as you tilt his head, "but I promise you, I'll complete the contract. I'll finish your business for you."
No longer being able to talk, he smiled.

'Why, at the face of his death, can he smile like that?'

You placed your lips on his and began sucking out his, now weakened, soul. His eyes became lifeless and his focus was gone. He was now no more than an empty shell. You pulled away from him knowing that now, he was just a memory. Now, reduced to yet another soul you have consumed. Nothing more.

However, he left a legacy.

One that you will protect,

Care for,


Die for...

A child.

Ciel Phantomhive.

I WILL PROTECT YOU~ Black Butler x Demon ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ