Finally found you pt2

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You cringed at the thought of another demon being anywhere near Ciel. All the more reason for you to hurry and see him. After all, you had so many questions you wanted to ask him.

There was a long pathway leading up to the front door. It was nice to take in the nostalgic scenery. You knew it wasn't the same as your previous estate. It was clearly a replica, and a good one too. Everything was just how it used to be.

"Um excuse me, miss?" A voice called out to you. You swiftly turned your head to the direction the voice came from; maybe this was the demon.
You saw a young boy with blonde hair and a farmers hat on. A gardener perhaps?
"Do you have any business here?" He asked, walking over to you.
Relief flooded over you. This definitely wasn't that damn demon that had you on edge.
"I do actually," you smiled, "I'm here to see Ciel Phantomhive."
The boy tilted his head, "that's strange. He didn't mention any guests coming today. Neither did Mr. Sebastian."
You sighed, making a mental note of this 'Mr. Sebastian' , "I'm sorry for coming here unannounced. I knew Ciel before the 'incident' at the previous manor. I didn't know if he was alive so once I found out I just had to well, come here."
He smiled slightly, "if that's the case, I'm sure he'll be glad to see you. Follow me, miss...?" He paused and looked at you.
"Just call me Y/N."
"Miss Y/N then My name's Finnian but you can call me Finny. Come with me and I'll let you in." He gestured for you to follow him and began walking. You followed.
'He's far too trusting. It could get him into trouble one day.' You thought.
"So Y/N, if you don't mind me asking, what was your relationship with the young master?"
"Me? Well I was his father's butler so I took care of him a lot." You smiled sadly at the memories.
Finny nodded, "he actually has his own butler now."
You froze. Surely he wouldn't... make a contract, right?
"Are you alright, miss Y/N?" Finny asked, concern painted on his features.
"This butler, how long has he been with Ciel?"
"I heard he was with him once the young master returned from wherever he had been."
That did it. You were sure that this so-called 'butler' was the demon you caught the scent of earlier. Which could only mean one thing.
"Dammit..." you mumbled, "why?"
"Did you say something?" Finny questioned.

The two of you arrived at the large front door. Finny had asked you to wait outside while he checked with the 'butler' that it was alright for you to come in. Boy, were you going to rip the butler's head off if you get the chance. Ciel's just a child. He shouldn't be dealing with this. Then again, who are you to say anything? You did the same with Vincent all those years ago.

The door was opened by a raven haired man who looked to be in his mid-20's, dressed in a butlers uniform. You were right, this was definitely the demon.
The two of you stared at eachother (more like glared) for a while until the man broke the silence.
"May I help you, miss?"
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, "you know damn well why I'm here, demon. Where is he? I swear if you hurt him more than he already is, I'll kill you."
"You're right, I do know why you're here. But answer me this, if I let you in, how do I know that you won't take my young master's soul from me? A demon such as yourself would have no problem doing so." He glared at you.
"Oh please," you scoffed, "I have no interest in his soul. I just want to make sure he's okay and that you aren't doing anything to him. I must say, I'm not thrilled that he made a contract with a demon but I guess there's no helping it."
"Well miss Y/N, I can assure the young lord is doing fine. Good day to you." The butler went to shut the door but you held it open with your foot. There was only a crack in the doorway but it was enough. You weren't finished. Your eyes shifted from their natural (eye colour) to an unnatural shade of glowing red. Almost like cat eyes. As did the butler's.
"I do apologise, sir but I believe I am entitled to see your master. If you have a problem with that then how about we resolve it in a more violent manor. I would rather not do that and I'm sure you wouldn't either." You spat out.
"If you do go to see my young lord then I will have to be watching at all times. Is that good enough for you?" He asked, more like demanded.
"I suppose."
The butler opened the door and let you in. Just like you had expected, everything was exactly how it used to be. It was nice. Well, it would've been nice if you didn't have another demon butler watching your every move like some weird stalker. You had to admit, it was understandable. You were protective of  Vincent's soul.
"He's in his study right now." The butler said monotonously. You hummed in response, trying to contain your overwhelming joy.
"By the way, are you the 'Mr. Sebastian' Finny was talking about?"
"Ciel's dog was called Sebastian so I can see why he named you that."
"Yes, but I hate dogs so I'd rather not be reminded of that."

'So he hates dogs? Useful information. I'm sure that will come in handy one day.'

Sebastian knocked on 'Ciel's' study, which in the old manor was Vincent's study. You began to miss those past times.
"What?" You heard a hard voice ask from inside.
"There's a girl here to see you. Should I let her in?" Sebastian answered.
"A girl? I don't recall anything being on today's schedule. Whatever, send her in."
The butler hesitated for a moment but then complied.
"Now, who are you and what do you... Y/N? Is that really...? You're here. Infront of me."
You smiled sadly at him. He had to grow up fast. Too fast. He now wore an eyepatch which you knew covered the contract symbol between him a Sebastian (who was staring intently at the two of you through a crack in the door like the protective stalker that he is). You thought he had gotten taller but it was just the heels on his shoes.
"Yes, I'm here. It's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Y/N. I... I thought you died that night." He looked down, "I was about to give up. I knew you weren't coming for me and you were all I had left. They tortured me, in horrible ways. I almost broke."
You walked over to him, "so that's why you summoned a demon. Was it for revenge?"
Ciel nodded.
"Let me help you with that."
"What are you suggesting?" He asked.
"Those people who did this to you, they took your father away from me, your mother and they almost took you too. Having two demons on your side will help you." You put your hands on his shoulders, "I want to help you."
He stared at you, contemplating the pros and cons of you helping him.

Pro- two demons on his side will indeed be useful.
Con- you and Sebastian probably won't get on very well.
Pro- you will be back by his side after so long. He didn't want to lose you again.
Con- you could get hurt. It's unlikely but whatever happened that night to you can't happen again. It's too dangerous for you and for himself.
Pro- you're strong. Very strong.

"Alright Y/N, you can help me carry out my revenge. On one condition." He said.
"And what might that be?"
"You will become a servant here at my estate. You still have your uniform from the old estate, right?"
You grinned and nodded. You were finally happy again.

Of course, Sebastian who was still watching wasn't happy. Why did you have to work here? What if the two of you get too close and you take his soul from him? Well, he wasn't going to let that happen and was going to make that very clear.

I WILL PROTECT YOU~ Black Butler x Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now