Talk of the past

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A/N - Okay okay okay, where the hell have you been author?! Bloody useless I am.
Anyways, geez it's been ages and ages and ages. I'm not gonna come up with some extravagant and dramatic excuse because I don't have one, I just dropped it. Haven't even looked at it until today. Damnnnn, so much for updating every Saturday, gosh.
I've decided I'm picking this back up again after seeing all the positive feedback I'm getting. It was overwhelming! People still read this! I'm shook.
Okay, so I'm not gonna promise regular updates or anything 'cause that never works but I will be updating this starting from today soooo let's begin!

You were tucking Ciel into bed, to Sebastian's slight annoyance. Things were beginning to get tough for him. Being so young and having so much responsibility? It made you sigh. You pitied him.

"You've been awfully quiet, my lord. Is everything alright?" You asked. Ciel buried his head in his pillow and turned to face you, "Just all of this Jack the Ripper nonsense."
"Do you have any ideas on who it could be?"
"Do you?"
You sighed, "I have an idea."
Ciel rolled over in his bed, "as do I."
There was a silence. The two of you were thinking the same thing but you didn't want it to be true. You bowed, "I'll take my leave then, my lord."
"Y/N?" Ciel called sleepily. You turned around, "yes, my lord?"
"Remember when I said I wanted you in my office?"
You nodded. He continued, "I would like to talk now."
"Alright, my lord." You walked back towards his bed, "what is it?"

He gestured to his bed, telling you to sit. It felt unprofessional but you did so. He began, "Why did my father summon you, Y/N?"
Well, this was unexpected. You tensed, "Why? See, it's complicated but as the next Earl Phantomhive, he was being prepared to become a hunter of sorts, catching criminals, doing the Queen's bidding excerera excerera. He was given one task that was A - illegal itself and B - risking his life and title. He would start this 'business' when his was sixteen years old. I was summoned when he was twelve."

"What was this business?"

"That, my lord, is something I cannot tell you at this point in time. I sincerely apologise."

Ciel hummed in slight annoyance, "can you tell me what it involved?"


"Treason?! What the hell?!" He exclaimed, throwing the covers off of himself and sitting upright. You shook your head, "in time I will tell you but based on your current position in society, I must bite my tongue."

Ciel took a few deep breaths and lay back down, "I understand."

Normally, you would leave it at that and retire for the night but you felt like Ciel still wanted to say something. And you were right, "Talk to me about my Father."

"My lord?"


You hadn't spoke about Vincent for a while apart from with Sebastian who wasn't really the relatable type. You smiled softly, "Well, I first met him when he summoned me when he was twelve. He found a book in his library about demons and religious stuff. So he thought that he could use me to protect his family and basically be a slave for four years before we actually started what I was summoned to do, that brat... I could have slapped him, you know?" You chuckled, "I remember it so vividly. We were in a forest. Vincent had his candles out and that book he found, with salt sprinkled in a circle around him to protect him is the summoning went wrong. He didn't have to do all of that. He could've probably done it on the toilet if he really wanted to. And the cheeky bugger says to me, 'and that's why you won't be able to do the actual business for years to come' or something like that. But, he told me this after the summoning was done so I couldn't leave! The nerve of him. I basically become his full time nanny. He was so adventurous. He would never sit still. Seriously, at least once and hour he'd call out to me, 'Y/N! Help me, I'm stick in a tree!' Or 'Y/N! There's a wasp chasing me!' It was a nightmare. And don't get me started on that sister of his, blimey."

Ciel just lay there, listening to you talk. You came alive when you spoke about his father. Even though you were talking about how annoying he was, he could see through it.
"You loved my father, didn't you Y/N?"

"He was my everything."

"Do you miss him?"

You nodded, "him, your mother, even that dog. I always replay that night in my head from start to finish. What could I have done differently? Maybe if I wasn't at the back of the garden, I would have noticed sooner. If I didn't take his soul, could he have survived and still be here today? Maybe you wouldn't have had to sell your soul to a demon. My mind... it's filled with regret."   

"That's a very human thing to say. Y/N, you are more human than anyone I know, including myself."

You smiled, "I think you are very human, my lord. You've been damaged beyond repair yet you still care so much. You just don't show it because you are afraid of getting hurt again. Just like your father."

He gave you a faint smile that morphed into a smirk, "are you sure you are a demon, Y/N? You are more angel like."

"How rude, my lord. Please don't lump me in with those whimsical bastards."

He chuckled, "I suppose you're right. I have seen what you can do. It's not very pretty."

"The recognition I deserve, my lord" you teased, "forgive me but I must recommend you go to sleep now. You have a rather busy day tomorrow."

"Indeed. Thank you, Y/N."

"Sleep well, my lord."
Sebastian's concern grew. The you and Ciel were growing closer which could interfere with the terms of the contract. You could deter him from it. You could prevent him from getting the boy's soul. You could be a huge threat but you were also a great asset. He was conflicted. You were better as an ally then an enemy so you would have to be kept in line.
A/N - heyyy! So just to confirm, there is nothing romantic between you and Ciel. You have a sort of mother-son kind of bond. Also, whether you loved Vincent platonically or romantically is up to you!
I will be back!

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