Veronica Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"Cool," I say.

He ends up talking about his past for most of the flight. However, I didn't mind, it meant that I didn't half to talk about myself. He only stopped talking when we were a few minutes out.

I turn to Sebastian to ask him about the mission, "Hey, what's my role here?"

"Does it matter?" He snaps.

"Yes it does. What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Comfort the girl," he says, "She just lost both of her parents."

"Ok, thanks," I say not knowing what else to say.

"You, me, and the girl will leave before everyone else," he says.

I just nod, not knowing what to say. I look back at him for a moment, and in that moment he looked at me. Only his eyes weren't hard like they had been, but soft and gentle. He quickly looks away.

Once we arrive, we all filed out. The air outside is frigid, and crisp. Buildings tower above us, expanding in all directions. I see the yellow keep out tape posted around the building.

Then I see her, a little girl who looks about seven. She has golden curls that bounce with every step. She had hazel eyes, and fair skin. Her face was tear streaked.

I start out to her knowing that's what I'm here to do. No one cast me a suspicious glance so I know I'm doing something right. I walk over to her, and tap her on the shoulder.

When she turns around I say, "Hi sweetheart, I'm Veronica. What's your name?"

"I'm W-W-Wendy," she says shyly.

"It's nice to meet you Wendy," I say with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too," she says sheepishly.

"Hey Wendy," I start, "could you hold my hand. It's my first time outside my base as an agent, and I'm kind of nervous." She nods her head, and slides her hand into mine, "You're very brave."

"My mommy told me to be brave, so I'm trying," she says.

"Do you see that boy over there?" I ask pointing to Sebastian.

"Yeah," she says with a giggle, "He's cute!"

"Yeah he is," I say absentmindedly. I shake my head to get the thought of him out of it. "Well he and I are going to take you to our home. Is that okay?"

She nods then says, "Are you two together?"

"What?" I ask bewildered, "Um no we aren't. Why do you say that?"

"Well he looks at you the way my daddy looked at my mommy," she says.

I stand there for a moment shocked by her statement. Finally I say, "Shall we go?"

She nods, and I lead her to Sebastian. She tries to stifle a giggle, but it comes out as a weird coughing noice. I conceal a small smile. This girl was too cute.

"Hi, I'm Wendy," she says sticking out her other hand for him to shake.

He shakes her hand with one of his brilliant smiles and says, "I'm Sebastian."

"It's nice to meet you Sebby," she says.

"Pleasure to meet you too," he says grinning ear to ear, "Shall we head off?"

She nods, and we start towards the plane. It's then that I realize I'm cold. I wrap my arms around myself to try to warm up.

Wendy runs up ahead into the jet. She dances around inside laughing and giggling. I smile at her innocence.

I feel a cold wet drop land on my face. I glance up to the sky, and see dark gray clouds. The rain starts falling faster. I smile. It's been so long since I've seen rain.

However, the cold wet rain makes me even colder. A shiver creeps up my spine, but this doesn't take the smile from my face. My clothes are drenched from head to toe, causing me to get even colder.

"You're cold," he says looking at me shiver.

"I'm fine," I lie.

"No you're not. Take my jacket," he says pulling it off his shoulders.

"No," I say, "you keep it, I'm fine."

"Quit being stubborn, and take the stupid jacket," he says draping it over my shoulders.

I smile and start to walk up the ramp, "Thanks Sebby." I shall forever call him that.

"Don't even Veronica," he says shaking his head, smiling that beautiful smile, and follows me in.

Inside, Wendy is jumping around everywhere, but once she sees me she runs up and slides her hand in mine. I look down to see her beaming up at me with a childish smile.

I bend down to say, "Do you want to sit down?" She nods, pulling me to the right wall.

Sebby, walks up to tell the pilot that we're ready to go. After telling the pilot he surprisingly sits down next me and Wendy.

"I'm tired," she says yawning.

"Well it will be a long ride back so if you want you can take a nap," I say.

"Okay," she says. She lays her head on my lap, and stretches her legs out in the other direction. She looks back up at me her eyes silently asking if she could lay down. I smile in return.

I stroke her hair trying to be as motherly as possible. Within minutes she's fast asleep. I hope the nightmares don't haunt her like they haunt me.

I let out a sigh. My eyes are getting heaving as well. I have been sleeping better, but that doesn't mean I sleep through the night. Instead of no sleep, I just get a few hours nothing more than four.

"You should get some sleep too," Sebastian says.

"It's probably not good for an agent to sleep on a mission," I say.

"You're not an agent yet," he replies, "Besides I'll wake you up before we get there."

I'm about to say no, but then I realize that I am really tired so instead I ask, "You sure?"

"Positive," he answers.

"Okay," I say.

Not caring about how he will complain, I lay my head in his shoulder. However he doesn't say anything, instead he reaches over and adjusts the jacket. I absentmindedly slide my arm into his, but he doesn't object.

I know he doesn't care about me, but when I'm around him I feel safe. I don't know why, but I do. So it doesn't take long for me to dose off to sleep with a small girl laying on top of me and my head on Sebastian's shoulder, sitting on a plane. I never would have thought my life would be this interesting.

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