38 | burning desire

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(I didn't mean to make this chapter so explicit but it happened anyway...soooo !!!!Not recommended for younger audiences!!!! I feel like I probs shouldn't publish it but let's be real, some of y'all will enjoy it)

38 | burning desire

I've got a burning desire for you, baby

Axel and I stand outside of the motel, and glance up at the flickering light above our room number in uncertainty. I look at Axel, jingling his car keys indecisively as he sucks air in through his teeth, and takes my hand into his.

"So this is why it was so cheap to stay a night," he leans in to mumble.

I chuckle nervously. "Looks aren't everything," I reply, "it's what's inside that matters."

So far, it isn't looking so good though. The place isn't actually that bad. During the daytime, I'm sure it's cute. But now, with the clouds hiding most of the stars and half the moon, the big sign that's supposed to read 'The Motel' but only has half its letters illuminated, stands out against the pitch black sky. And it's giving me Bates Motel vibes: super sketchy.

Axel nods once, and sighs. We step forward to the door and as he's unlocking it, the outside lamp dies.

A shiver runs up my spine, but Axel's warm and secure hand still holds mine and it keeps me from freaking out. Luckily, the lights inside the motel room work, but they're just a bit dull. A bed sits in the middle of the room, with two shabby nightstands on either side, a tv on the wall across from it, the washroom straight ahead, and a small table at the window beside the door.

The bed looks like it's going to hurt, but other than that — if the locks actually work — it's not going to be too painful of a stay.

Axel, on the other hand, isn't sold on it. He sighs in disappointment and mutters, "I mean, I should have known. It's called 'The Motel' for fuck's sake."

I rub his shoulder, "could be worse. Plus, it'll be an adventure."

"Sorry, sweetheart," he says and looks at me.

I smile. "Don't be," I say, "this is going to be fun. Have you ever had sex in a sketchy motel room?"

He opens his mouth, but no words come out.

"Or we can just sleep," I take my hand from his, blushing, and walk inside of the room, setting my bag down against one of the wooden chairs by the table. I turn back to him, "if that's what you want?"

He grins a little. "The motel doesn't turn you off?"

"Are you kidding me?" I laugh, and approach him slowly, sliding my hands around his waist, "we could be anywhere and you'd still turn me on."

Axel gazes at me through the musky light and smiles, closing the door with his foot, and locking it. He doesn't take his eyes off of me, even when he sets his bag on the table and pulls a package from the front pocket.

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