Bonding moment

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~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

"Yoongi," I felt someone poke my shoulder. "Yoongi, you're on my arm and I can't move." It took me a minute to register what was happening. I felt my face getting hot as I remembered how Jimin fell asleep basically spooning me last night. I sat up, getting off Jimin's arm.

"Fuck, what time is it?" I panicked, realizing it was a school day. 

"Shit, it's 11 a.m." Jimin ran his hand through his hair as he looked at his phone. "And my dad noticed I didn't come home." I noticed him start to shake a little bit.

"Hey, Jimin, it's okay." I pulled him into a tight hug. "Would you be okay with skipping school today?"

"That actually sounds great, hyung. Thank you." He looked at his hands and frowned. "Do you have an extra toothbrush by chance?" 

I got him a toothbrush from under the sink, opened the package, and handed it to him. He disappeared into my bathroom to brush his teeth so I went to the bathroom down the hall to brush my own. A few minutes later I felt two small arms wrap around my waist. "Yes, Jimin?" I turned around to look at him.

"Can I maybe borrow some clothes?" He bit his lip and looked down nervously, playing with the bottom of his shirt.

"Hoodie or T-shirt?" I asked while walking back to my room with him.

"Hoodie, p-please." Hearing him stutter was the cutest thing I've heard come out of his mouth, which awakened the butterflies in my stomach and caused my face to go red. I handed him a hoodie that would likely be way too big for him and the smallest pair of pants I owned. A few minutes later, he came out of the bathroom in just the hoodie, which came down to his mid-thigh. "I hope you don't mind, hyung. The pants were too big."

"You look so cute, Jimin." I looked him up and down and noticed his face was bright red.

"Umm... Thanks." He stood there awkwardly waiting for me to do something, so I grabbed his hands and led him to my bed. I sat down with my legs spread out slightly and pulled him toward me so he was in-between my legs.

"You look absolutely gorgeous" I grabbed onto his waist and pulled him closer. 

"Thank you, Yoongi. But I don't think I like guys, so could you maybe like... not do that?" he pushed my hands off of his waist and backed up a little bit.

"I'm sorry, Jimin." I felt my face getting hot again. "What do you mean by you don't think you like guys?" I stood up and got closer to him.

"I don't know. I think I might be open to the idea, but I know I'm not ready for any romantic interest in a male yet." He took a step back from me. "You're great, Yoongi, but I can't like you in that way, I'm sorry"

"You're fine, Jimin." I sat back on my bed and felt my phone vibrate. "Sorry, Joon texted me, hold on."

Namjoon: Why are you and jimin not here today.

Namjoon: I swear to god Yoongs if you used him like the rest of your ~Toys~ I will personally castrate you.

Namjoon: He's too sweet and all you do is use and hurt people you get involved with and you know it's true so don't you dare say it's not.

Me: calm tf down joon, He seemed scared to go home last night so he slept over at my house. Besides. He's not gay."

Namjoon: Thank god. Do you know why he didn't want to go home?

me: He said his dad was drunk again.

me: He got some nasty texts from him last night.

Namjoon: shit I hope he's okay.

Me: I have to go make jimin food since I'm pretty sure he never eats. bye.

~time skip~

It was now 9:00 p.m. and Jimin insisted that he needed to go home, so I walked him to his house and gave him a tight hug when we got there. He was visably shaking as he went up to his door and walked in. I decided to just go home so I could sleep and be able to function the next day. I couldn't fall asleep right away as I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin, so I decided to text him.

Me: hey, u ok?

Jimin: yeah I'm fine. Thanks for today. Really appreciated it.

Me: Good to hear you're okay. Just wanted to check in. I'm going to bed now though. Text me or call me if You need anything.

Jimin: ok. thanks.

I fell asleep almost as soon as I put my phone on the charger and closed my eyes.

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