Date pt. 2

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Jimin's P.O.V.

As Yoongi and I were driving to our next destination, "Let's Not Fall In Love" by Big Bang came on the radio.

"I love this song." I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the seat, quietly singing along to G-Dragon's part.

"Louder, Jimin." I gave him a confused look, "You have an amazing voice and you should sing louder so I can hear it better." He reached over and squeezed my leg.

"Thanks." I sang Daesung's part louder than before, Yoongi joining in for TOP's part. "You're good too." I looked over to see a slight blush rising to his cheeks.

"Thanks, but I'm really not." He then let go of my leg to switch from the radio to a CD. "I'm pretty good at rapping though." He pushed the CD into the player and "HOLUP" by BOBBY started playing and Yoongi started rapping to it.

When the song was over and Yoongi was done rapping, I turned the volume down and turned a little bit to face him. "That was really good, hyung." 

"Thanks. I've been rapping since I was like  11." He pulled into a parking lot of a seemingly empty beach.

"Really? Do you even have a cool rapper name?"

He held his heart in fake shock; "Of course I do. It's AGUST D." 

"So that explains your instagram name." I chuckled to myself. "I like it." I reached for the door handle to leave the car when Yoongi reached over and grabbed my wrist, making me wince in pain.

"I need to get the door for you. Just stay there." I rolled my eyes as he got out and ran to the passenger side to open my door for me. 

"Thanks. So what are we doing at a beach in the middle of March?" I looked at my phone seeing that it was 55 degrees.

"I have something cool to show you." He kneeled down and started taking off his shoes, "You probably won't want to wear your shoes either because sand will get in them." I slipped my shoes off and stood there awkwardly with them in my hands as I watched him struggle with his high-tops. "High-tops always kill the mood, I swear." He nervously laughed and tried to undo his double-knot. When he finally finished taking off his shoes, he took mine from me and opened the trunk, putting both of our shoes in there. He grabbed my hand and we started walking toward the water. 

On our way down, Yoongi slipped his hand into mine, making me blush lightly. When we got closer to the water, he abruptly stopped walking, pulling me back when I took a step forward. "Yoongi, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Let's sit." He plopped down onto the sand with his legs crossed, his hand still in mine. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder so he could lean into me. "So, Jimin." He looked up at me, his eyes wide and his face flushed.


"How are you liking this date so far?" He asked as he tried to get closer to me for warmth.

I took a second to think. While I did enjoy hearing him rap, kissing him, and just being near him, I knew what would happen if my father found out. I slightly shivered at the thought of what he would do to me if he found out I went on a date with another boy. "I've really enjoyed it, Yoongi." I finally responded, kissing the top of his head which was against my chest.

"I'm really glad. I really, really like you." He blushed and started playing with his hands. I decided not to respond and just run my fingers through his hair instead. 

We sat like that for an hour until the sun had set and Yoongi was getting visably tired. We walked back to his car and got our shoes from his trunk. We drove home in a comfortable silence, only broken by the soft music coming from his radio. When he got to my house to drop me off, he grabbed my leg to get my attention before I could get out.

"thanks for going on this date with me." he squeezed my leg and smiled.

"Thanks for taking me. And dropping me off." I turned to open the car door, being interrupted by Yoongi again.

"Can I kiss you?" 

I let out a small sigh as I glanced toward the door to my house. "I'm sorry but no. My dad is home and he's not the most accepting of this kind of stuff."

His face dropped as he let go of my leg. "Oh okay. I understand. I'll see you tomorrow then." 

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I got out of the car and walked up the steps to get into the house. Before I could turn the door knob, the door was violently flung open and my father's intimidating figure stood in the doorway looking down at me.

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