knock knock get the door it's sexual tension.

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Jimin's P.O.V.

The next week was pretty normal. Yoongi and I hung out at school more. Jungkook and I started talking more, which helped me get closer to Tae as well. My Father started drinking again, so he was becoming more violent. 

As I was leaving my house to walk to school, I saw Namjoon walking out of the house next to mine. 

"Namjoon? You're my neighbor?" I called over to him and waited for him to catch up to me.

"I guess. Jin lives across the street, too." He pointed a few houses down across the street. "I usually walk him to school. Do you want to wait for him with me?"

"Sure. Which one is Jin again?"

"Shoulders. Big lips. Pink hair." 

"Oh. Thanks hahah, I don't remember anyone telling me his name, but I have a bad memory." We crossed the street and stopped in front of the house Namjoon pointed at earlier.

A minute later, Jin walked out of his house and gave Namjoon a hug. "Good morning, Joonie," he looked over to me, "Hey, Jimin"

I waved back and shortly after we started walking towards the school. When we got there, Yoongi was waiting for us in the front. "Hi, Jimin. How did you sleep?" He  pulled me into a tight hug.

"Pretty good. What about you?" 

"I slept okay. Let's go to class." He grabbed my hand and we walked to our art class. Once It was time to go to our dance class, I went to change in a bathroom stall instead of changing in front of everyone else.

"Jimin." I turned around to see a confused Yoongi. "Why do you change in there and not the locker room?"

"I just don't like changing in front of people." 

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me closer to him. "You're perfect, Jimin." He brushed his lips against my ear, making me blush and feel nervous. "And hot as hell." He said with a deepened and raspier voice, sending shivers down my spine. He pulled away, leaving me speechless and confused, and walked into the locker room. The rest of the class was awkward between us, the tension only growing as we danced together. We had to pair up to do a dance to Blackpink's Ddu Du Ddu Du and Yoongi immediately picked me as a partner. The whole dance, he was swaying his hips seductively and would make as much skin-to-skin contact with me as possible. I kept blushing the entire time and I could feel myself getting more turned on each time he would wink at me or brush up against me. 'I'm not gay, what the hell has gotten into me?'  I thought as I felt my pants get tighter. 

As soon as the bell to go to lunch rang, I ran to the bathroom and changed into my normal pants and tried to ignore my erection. I sat in the bathroom for a few minutes to try to calm down, and a few minutes later my erection was starting to go down so I decided to leave the bathroom, only to be greeted by Yoongi.

"Not gay my ass." He scoffed as he saw me walk out.

"I'm not gay, Yoongi. So stop. I'm serious." I stormed passed him into the cafeteria and sat on the end of the table next to Tae and across from Hoseok, the only other available seat at the other end of the table. Yoongi frowned when he saw that I purposely sat as far away from the only other place he could sit, but sat down anyway. 

"So, Jimin." Hoseok leaned over the table onto his hands.


"That girl in the picture you were tagged in."

"Hyuna?" Hoseok nodded in response. "What about her?"

"She's cute. Do you have her number?"

"Yes, I do." I replied nonchalantly, making Hoseok antsier.

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