Porrim x Reader

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(An old one I wrote and never published. Sorry for the wait, I'm on a homestuck hiatus. The fandom tires me out sometimes and I need a break.)

Your body aches, and you pull an arm to your head. Curling up into a ball, you wait to die. Then you realize. You're already dead. You'd been playing Sburb. You'd been a god tier, and you'd attacked Jack Noir of your session. You can feel blood on your chest drying. You'd been stabbed.

God dammit Jack.

You sit up, tears welling in your eyes. You'd failed your session. You sob and cry, feeling the despair fill you.

You jump when you hear footsteps in front of you. Looking up, you see a strange creature. Humanoid, but not human. You back up as far as you can, until your ankles hit a strange surface. It was smooth. You didn't dare look away from the creature.

It had gray skin, and dead white eyes. Its hands had claws, and in the short, fluffy black hair there were two nubby... what appeared to be horns.

It wore a bright red turtleneck, and what some type of black skinny jeans.

"I ap9l9gize if my appearance triggers 9r frightens y9u. I am merely attempting t9 find the s9urce 9f the s966ing I heard. W9uld that 6e y9u? If my asking is within my privleges and d9es n9t trigger y9u."

You gaze up at him, gaping. "I-I was, yes."

"I see. May I ask why, if it's alright of me t9 ask?"

"I-I..." You shiver and sob at your words. "I failed them"

"Y9ur sessi9n?"

"Yes. I failed my friends. I don't know where I am." The tears drip down your face.

"9h dear, 9h dear. I d9n't kn9w h9w t9 handle this. C9me with me please." He smiles sheepishly.

You look at him, not trusting a stranger, but slowly nod. You were already dead, and you could see in your specibus that you still had your (weapon).

(My specibi is deckkind. You?)

You follow him, turning around and seeing nothing to be caught against. He walks beside it, to what seemed to be a rift in space. You go in after him, and when you emerge you find yourself somewhere completely different. Where before there was a dark forest, there now was what looked like a small boutique.

"Hell9? P9rrim? Ap9l9gies f9r n9t kn9cking, the 6u66les warped right t9 here." The strange creature called.

"O+h, Kankri dear? Ho+w nice o+f yo+u to+ visit. O+h.  Hello+, who+ is this?"

Another peculiar creature, gray skinned with tattoos and black hair, orange horns, these ones longer, sharper, and one had a barb type tip.

The first one, apparently named Kankri, lets out a horror-filled gasp, and turns to you.

"I am s9, s9 very s9rry! I never asked y9ur name, n9r intr9duced myself. I am Kankri Vantas, and this is P9rrim Maryam, my friend."

"Oh. My name is Y/n." You say quietly. "Nice to meet you I suppose."

"Same to+ yo+u. Kankri, I do+nt mean to+ be rude, but why have yo+u bro+ught them here?"

"I ap9l9gize if this has caused any triggers, 6ut I simply had n9 idea h9w to handle her grief."

"Grief? What's wro+ng, y/n dear?" Porrim asks gently to you.

Your body shakes slightly as you're reminded of your session. There had been two of your friends you really cared about, and then there was that one you hated, but still felt protective over. In all, you missed them equally.

No tears came for most of the time you tell your story. They both listened intently, neither interrupting. Finally, you stopped. The tears were there now.

Porrim saw, and quickly enveloped you in a hug. Kankri stood there awkwardly, but you didn't mind. You could already feel your affections latching themselves on a certain seamstress.

---- ----

Time has passed, maybe a month to a couple years. You never could tell in the bubbles. You had learned about the trolls, their romances and customs. You've grown especially close to Porrim.

You speak with your friend Kankri, whispering to him behind some trees.

"I don't know, Kankri. She's so busy, and I don't know if she'd want a matespritship in the first place."

"I happen t9 kn9w f9r a fact she thinks highly 9f y9u. I am n9t 9ne t9 pry int9 9ne's private lives, 6ut she has c9nfided a few things t9 me as her friend, and I assure y9u that she w9uld n9t take y9ur red advances wr9ngly."

"I dunno...." You say bashfully.

"I am sure it will 6e alright." He pats your shoulder with a smile. "I have s9me things I have to do, 6ut I will see y9u later."

"Bye, Kankri."

What you didn't know is that you were being followed by two trolls. You walk around a familiar glade, full of trees and soft grass. The peace seeped into you, and you sit against a tree. Closing your eyes, you slip into a dozing slumber.

---- ----

In the distance, a pair are watching you. Meulin was attempting to whisper to Cronus (keeping away from him quite a bit) about you and Porrim. Meulin had been shipping the two of you for a long while now, and everyone else was busy. Her whispering was a little louder than she thought, and Cronus repeatedly had to put his finger to his lips to shush her.

They brainstormed ideas on how to make it happen. Nothing. Until...

---- ----

"Y/n!" A voice yells loudly in your ear as you walk, and you giggle. You smile.

A few days had passed since your conversation with Kankri, and you'd been moping on how to ask a certain troll to be your... matesprit? You think that's what it's called.
'Yes?' You sign to her, having picked up quite a few words from her and Kurloz.

"I want your help with something!" Her voice almost shattered your eardrums, but you smile.

'With what?'

"You and Porrim!"

Your face immediately flushes. "I-I don't know-"

"Come on! I'll be your wingtroll! Let's go!"

She begins to drag you, and after a little protest, you give up. There was no arguing with her once her mind is made up. She couldn't even hear you.

She drags you to Porrim's hive, in a different dream bubble than you just were. Meulin turns to you. "Here, take these." She shoves flowers in your hands, six lovely jade roses, then knocks on the door. Then that cat is out of there faster than you could say "Oh ship." She hides behind a tree to watch.

The door opens just as you halfway compose yourself. "Hello+? O+h, yes, did yo+u need so+mething, Y/n?" She smiles politely.

Your heart pounds in your chest and you're thinking of dying right then and there, but you know there's no way out of this.

"U-um, yeah, I was just wondering," you stare down at the flowers intently, "i-if you would like to be m-my matesprit."

She gapes at you for a moment of terrifying silence. "Well o+f co+urse I will, my dear!" She wraps you in one of her soft, warm hugs. "Flushed fo+r yo+u."

"Flushed for you too, Porrim." You smile happily.

Unknown to you, there was someone going freak-ship crazy in the background.

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