Karkat ♤ Reader

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You are currently wondering why you ever agreed to go on a date with your kismesis. Sure, it is a thing kismesis do. It is just that you never saw this coming.

For once he was really acting like your kismesis. He took you to a theme park. He 'shared' cotton candy and popcorn with you (you barely got any of it). You laughed at other people together. Threw shade at each other.

All was fun and games.

And then he dragged you into the rollercoaster. You are deathly afraid of heights, and more so whenever you are going fast and turning and upside down and screaming.

He convinced you by way of embarrassment. He knew about your fear of heights, and used it. He said you were a coward.

And so here you are. In the seat, waiting for them to come by and clamp you in.

Soon enough they do, and the rollercoaster starts to click up the tracks. Your heart sinks into your stomach as the car rises to the top. You can't breathe as it teeters at the top.

Then suddenly you are flying downwards towards the ground. Your screams fill the air as you grab onto the nearest thing- Karkat's hand- and squeeze hard.

You are thrown forwards and sideways and upside down until you feel like you are going to puke. As soon as you feel like it might be getting better, you are back in the station and stumbling around. Your breath still escapes you and your legs are jelly, but exhilaration still keeps you going. The adrenaline makes your thinking fuzzy.

You lean on Karkat, who walks you to a bench. He holds your hand the whole way. Once you recover, he laughs.

"Guess you win this round, you sorry excuse for a flatulence gland." He flirts. "Let's go again!"

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