Terezi ♡ Reader

662 20 1

How did you get here? What did you even do to deserve this? Nothing. One moment, you are having a FLARPing session, the next you're about to hang in the gallows.

You calm your breathing, glaring at your - apparently blind - executioner. She has a wide grin on her face as she saunters up to the platform, tapping the pail - oh gog why a pail - with her foot.

"4NY L4ST WORDS?" Her voice sends chills down your spine. You only stick out your tongue, which was studded with a bright red piercing.

The legislacerator stops, sniffing. "1S TH4T R3D 1 SM3LL?" She steps closer. OOH! 1'LL L3T YOU OFF W1TH 4 W4RN1NG 1F 1 C4N H4V3 1T."

You sigh. It was one of your favorite studs. Life? Piercing? Grumbling, you comply, "I guess you can have it."

"Y4Y!" She cuts the rope with her canesword, causing you to fall ungracefully to the platform. You stand, pulling out the piercing, but before you can, she stops you. "1 TH1NK 1 L1K3 1T B3TT3R 1N YOUR MOUTH." She pulls you to her, dipping you and kissing you deeply. Her hands hold your waist firmly as she glides her tongue over your lips. It slips in your mouth, tracing your piercing as she purrs. Your tongue rubs hers, the taste of the cherry red stud making her ecstatic. She pulls away.

"TH4T W4S 4M4Z1NG." She grins, her face tinted a brilliant teal. You blush, b/c dusting your face. "W3 SHOULD DO TH1S 4G41N SOM3T1M3." The troll winks. "M4T3SPR1TS OR K1SM3S1S?"

You smile, "Matesprits," and are tackled once more.

♤♡Homestuck Oneshots!◇♧Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora