Part 11

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Shadow's p.o.v

I was eating at Silver and Amy's place when I was getting a call from Knuckles. I excused myself from the embarrassing conversation.


"Hey Shadow can you come over to Tails' place? We are kinda struggling with one of his inventions," Knuckles answered sounding distressed.

"Why can't you get Sonic to help you?" As much as I disliked the current conversation that was just occurring at the table, I would hate to leave so early.

"He just left to go see Sally. You're the only one around. Please man?" I thought over it.

"Fine, I'll be there in five," I muttered and hung up. I explained to Amy and Silver that I had to leave and excused myself. I was skating over to see what Tails and Knuckles has gotten themselves into. I soon arrived and saw them both hanging upside down, dangling by their feet. They were being held up by robotic tentacles. I looked around trying to find the source.

"Shadow look o-" Tails yelled but was soon muffled by another tentacle covering his mouth. I turned around and saw one trying to wrap me up. I quickly sliced my arm through it, cutting it in half. There were more tentacles swinging around than I could count.

"What kind of invention is this?" I yelled. I was dodging tentacles trying to get to the fox and echidna. I chopped Knuckles down first so he could start fighting while I got Tails down. Once I released him, he started flying to the machine.

"Cover me! I need to press the self destruct button," he yelled.

"Isn't that going to destroy your place?" Knuckles yelled back.

"Do you have a better plan?" I asked. He shook his head and we followed right by Tails, making sure he gets to where the self destruct button was. I threw many chaos spears, Knuckles threw many punches. I heard a click.

"Quick, we need to get out of here!" Tails yelled. We heard a woman's voice counting down the explosion.

"10.... 9.... 8..."

The entire house started to rattle and shake.

"5... 4.... 3...."

I grabbed a hold of everyone. "Chaos control!"

I took us to a hill overlooking Tails' house. We watched the explosion occur. Crumbles of the house we're flying towards us. He held our arms above our heads as protection. We watched the house erupt into flames. Tails sighed in defeat. I had to admit, I felt bad for the young fox.

"You can stay at my place, bud." Knuckles offered patting Tails on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll go over to Sonic's. I pretty much have a room there. Thanks Knuckles."

"We'll take you there," I offered. He only nodded in response. I grabbed hold of them both for the last time tonight, and chaos controlled us to the blue hedgehogs place.

"Your house will be fixed in no time, don't worry," Knuckles said trying to cheer up the sad fox. He nodded at us once more with a final thanks before walking inside.

"Goodnight Shadow," Knuckles said before walking to his own home.

"Night," I replied and started walking to my own place. Maybe I should go see Amy and Silver. I could make it up to them for leaving in such a rush.

Authors Note

I APOLOGIZE THAT THIS WAS SO SHORT. I was ready to sit down and write some good long chapters, and then all of a sudden so many errands came up. Hopefully I'll get some time alone to write! :)

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